Mindfulness in Motion: Embracing the Quiet In-Between Moments of Life


In our fast-paced, word-driven life, there exists a silent language that often goes unnoticed—one that speaks volumes without uttering a single word. These are the unspoken moments, the glances, the subtle gestures, and the shared silences that carry profound meaning. These fleeting instances, often occurring in what authors describe as “placeless places” or the “as-isness” of the moment, are pivotal in how we navigate our lives and relationships.

Understanding the Unspoken

Consider the scenario where a waiter inquires about your meal, and without a word, you and your friend exchange a glance that conveys the fish was too salty. Or imagine ruffling your teenage son’s hair at a shopping center, only to see him squirm in embarrassment, silently reminding you that he’s no longer a child. These are the in-between moments—rich in meaning yet difficult to describe.

In therapy, these moments are not just passing events; they are the gold that can unlock deeper understanding and healing. They reflect how we engage with the world around us, revealing the intricate ways we interact with others and, sometimes, with ourselves.

The Therapeutic Value of the In-Between

In the therapeutic setting, the in-between moments are invaluable. Take, for example, John*, a client who lost his family business and was grieving in ways he feared would lead to a breakdown. While recounting his story, John suddenly reminisced about his fourth-grade teacher, who acknowledged him every morning with a smile. This seemingly unrelated memory became a gateway to exploring his deeper feelings of not being seen and his fear of discovering who he is beyond his identity tied to the family business.

This moment of unspoken connection between therapist and client opened the door to profound self-discovery. It demonstrated how our internal narratives, often shaped by these in-between moments, can hold us back or, with the right support, lead to transformative change.

The Challenges of Living in the In-Between

However, not all in-between moments are gentle or positive. Alyssa*, a 24-year-old who developed complex trauma after a sexual assault, struggled to find safety in her present. Her in-between moments were haunted by the blaring radio and cigarette smoke from her past, making it difficult to stay grounded in the here and now.

For Alyssa, therapy provided a sanctuary, a space to retreat from the outside world and experience a sense of safety, even if just for a short time. This case highlights the complexities of living in the in-between, where the past can intrude on the present, making it challenging to find peace.

Reclaiming the Present Moment

So, how do we navigate the in-between and reclaim the present moment? The key lies in acknowledging that the present is not perfect, but it is manageable. It is the only moment we can truly influence or change. The challenge is not just in being present but in remembering to return to the present whenever our minds drift away.

Mindfulness techniques, such as asking yourself what you are doing, feeling, or sensing right now, can help anchor you in the moment. These practices encourage a gentle, nonjudgmental awareness that allows you to tune into the in-between, finding belonging and respite in a world that often overwhelms us with noise.


In a society bombarded with information and distractions, the unspoken moments—the in-between—offer a chance to connect more deeply with ourselves and others. These fleeting interactions, often overlooked, shape our relationships, self-awareness, and sense of belonging. By paying attention to these subtle exchanges and cultivating mindfulness, we can find a sense of peace and belonging that transcends the chaos of modern life

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