3 Suggestions from the Employer’s Manual to Advance Work-Life Balance


Employers manual to promote a high work-life balance is a must these days but there are employers who even forget basic etiquettes and humility for the employees in the midst of building their own startups. 

In the world of work, it is done for various reasons i.e. to gain experience, to earn a livelihood, to refine one’s skills etc. Earlier people who could work , worked till their last breath without wondering about any work-life balance in life because that was the life that they were acquainted with. 

As the times have passed and the employers have tried to extract the most from their employees by providing nothing more in return. This behavior has convinced people to start weighing the pros and cons of that job to decide if it is worth the pain and agony or not. Similarly the employer has also maintained the lack of work-life balance in most of the companies which eventually leads to a toxic work environment. 

Work-life balance for employers

Setting real and achievable goals for themselves to work in the desired time spans  generates much more satisfaction and the sense of achievement. This sense of achievement further helps to maintain self discipline and increase responsibility towards their own work schedules. Introducing a work-life balance for everyone can only become a choice when you know the productivity increases manifolds.

The understanding of when to accept or find help is a must. Because overworking can break the cycle of healthy working and mind involvement towards a mission. It promotes overwork which is highly unhealthy for everyone in that surrounding. It increases displeasing and disagreeable hopes and wants from the employees working for you. 

Balancing the work into your passion projects can only be done when you partake proper rest and keep others happy and content around you. Else the negative environment where people are filled with grudges all around you can lead to a sudden downfall one day. And the constant thought of this being a risk can also be a stress causing agent. 

Believing that you can always hire other people to do the same job and not understanding your own faults in disheartening an employee is also a disastrous situation for you and the company. Employers prime responsibility apart from aiming at his passion is building a healthy environment for both his employees and clients to reduce his unwanted stress, to promote work- life balance for everyone. 

Let’s dive into the top 3 suggestions in the Employers manual to advance work-life balance:

Introduce variable working schedules and positions

The introduction of remote work options allows you to hire over a huge spectrum of people. It increases productivity because a few things like transportation, accommodation etc are not random things of worry anymore. It provides much more comfort to be working from everybody’s particular place of comfort.

Introducing flexible time schedules helps the employee to fit their personal tasks with the work schedules and make it easier for them to adapt to both of the worlds. This can be the easiest way to start working towards a work-life balance.

Ensure benevolent leadership

Not many startup employers understand the employee working as they are new to the game where they have knowledge from books and articles rather than experience. It might anger you when the freshers or interns might not comply with the rules for once or fail to be punctual, but always remember that you once started and you would surely remember the leaders who have helped you to learn and promote growth.  Promoting work-life balance not only gives the employees time on their hands but also the employers.

Being kind and helpful takes nothing but a big heart which surely not many have. Having someone work for you in return for nothing is a clever trick of free flow exploitation and benefit from one’s situation. They might come from experience but think about what experience they are gaining from your startup which is yet to pick up.

 Think – Did you teach them the work? Did you ask them about the problems that they are facing in the company? Did you cater to their feedback in a proper manner? If the answer is NO, kindly be a good employer. If your company was supposed to work without employees then great there is no need for you to be good to your employees but if the working requires employees and their craft, learn to be a good employer just like how you expect the freshers to learn everything and promote work-life balance. 

Encourage professional development

Every employee can get another job and every employer can hire a new employee to do the same work but you guys decided to work together because the employee thought of it to be a healthy working scenario where they could learn and advance in their career. Whereas the employer must have analyzed the employee and their worth very closely that would be an asset to their company. 

Increasing helpful workshops, tutorials, seminars etc can surely help the employee learn something new and attach it to their work. But increasing the workload and asking the employees to just figure it out doesn’t sound like a fair bargain. 

Achieving a work-life balance in the world of  working long hours for somebody else’s passion is surely not an easy choice for anyone. Understanding your employees and their needs and the drawbacks of your own company is a straight ladder to success. But unfortunately people wish to consciously stay away from other’s problems even when they are the cause of it. 

Tip: Be a good ( Better can sound too much so let’s start with a good) employer!

I'm content writer and I believe in the power of words to inspire change.

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