A Greener Wardrobe – Fashion That Doesn’t Cost the Earth


The textile fashion Industry, one of the most emerging sectors has a significant impact on the environment and sustainability

In our day-to-day lives, we often choose clothes without any prior knowledge or background about the process behind them. We wear and repeat paying no attention to the fact that the textile industry is a major contributor to pollution emitting 10% of global carbon emissions and 35% of plastic microfibers in the ocean. The use of chemicals in the industry is not only harmful to the environment but also to humans, moreover, the use of synthetic materials adversely affects the marine ecosystem in the ocean bodies. India, the leading producer of textiles and generating the employment of millions of people, the citizens need to be vigilant and aware of the negative consequences of this industry on the environment. The need of the current scenario is the change in the existing and usual practices and equipping with a more sustainable outlook


The concept of recycling has been around the world with active participation from people, in the fashion sector it is aimed at reducing waste, conserving resources, and minimizing environmental impact. The industry can reduce its harmful elements by transforming old textiles into new materials and conserving resources. Innovations in recycling technology and government incentives can make recycling more economically viable.

Slow fashion Movement

Source – Manufacturing Outlook

The slow fashion movement is a purposeful and thoughtful approach to clothing that prioritizes ethical, sustainable, and high-quality production methods over the fast fashion industry’s usual fast cycle of production and consumption. “It places a strong emphasis on the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable materials including revolutionary bio-fabricated and recycled textiles,” says Varun Singh, an industry expert. It is a shift toward more mindful and sustainable approaches to fashion, contrasting with the fast fashion industry’s emphasis on rapid production and consumption. Inspired by the broader Slow Movement, it advocates for quality over quantity, ethical production, and environmentally conscious consumption

Circular Fashion

Source – Textile Industry

The circular fashion system creates recyclable, repairable, reusable, and biodegradable clothing to minimize waste and its negative effects on the environment. The aim is to avoid letting clothes go to waste by trying to keep them in use and circulation for as long as feasible and then re-enter the market. The idea is to design, produce, and use clothing in ways that extend the product’s life cycle and encourage its reuse, recycling, or regeneration into new garments, thus reducing the environmental impact

Sustainable Practices

Sustainable practices in the fashion industry are crucial for reducing environmental impact, promoting ethical labor practices, and fostering a more sustainable future. By adopting sustainable materials, ethical production methods, waste reduction strategies, energy conservation techniques, and innovative business models, the industry can move towards a more sustainable future.

This includes using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton, recycled fibers, and biodegradable fabrics, as well as reducing water consumption and chemical usage in manufacturing. Brands embracing sustainability often prioritize ethical labor practices, ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for workers. Circularity is key, with an emphasis on recycling, upcycling, and designing products that last longer and can be repaired or repurposed. By encouraging mindful consumption, sustainable fashion aims to reduce waste and foster a more responsible industry that balances style with environmental and social well-being

A fundamental shift in the opinions of consumers is necessary if the environment is to be protected from the devastating effects of the fashion industry along the soil, air, water, and landfills chain. It is necessary to educate the public about conscious shopping. Similar to everything in life, the key is to strike a balance between style and responsibility so that fashion never compromises and instead enhances the wonder and natural order of the environment

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