“Chandipura virus” – 4 children died in Gujrat


The chandipura virus is spread through mosquitos, sandflies, ticks belonging to the genus Phlebotomus and cause flu like symptoms like fever, encephalitis (Inflammation in brain). The virus multiplies rapidly causing death.

In Sabarkantha district, Gujrat – 4 children died due to the virus infection and 2 children are under treatment at hospital.

The blood collection sample have been sent to National Institute of Virology, Pune to confirm the infection caused by virus. Results are awaited.

Raj Sutariya – The Chief District Health Officer of Sabarkantha quoted : “Four children have died of suspected infection of Chandipura virus – 2 children from neighboring Aravalli and one from Udaipur in Rajasthan and one from Sabarkantha in Gujrat”

To control the infection, the authorities dispatched security within the 3 km of radius. Preventive measures includes spraying to kill mosquitoes and sandflies

According to a medical journal released in 2017, Chandipura virus is responsible for premature deaths due to acute encephalitis (Inflammation in brain).

Symptoms of “Chandipura virus”

The infection is spread when these sandflies bites human, the virus quickly travels in bloodstream and attacks the (CNS) central nervous system. Immediate medical attention is required

  1. High fever.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Confusion, Difficulty in thinking, disorientation.
  4. seizures.
  5. In worst case – Coma.

Treatment of Chandipura Vesiculovirus.

There is no treatment for Chandipura virus infection, Immediate medical attention is required

  1. Hospitalization
  2. Anticonvulsants – Medication to control seizures
  3. Antipyretics – Medication for Fever control


Prevention is better than cure. Once the person is infected, there are less chance of survival.

  1. Use insect repellent cream/roll on
  2. Clothing – wear full sleeve clothes
  3. Use nets or burn coils to prevent mosquitoes and sandflies from entering
  4. Environment safety – don’t let the water stagnant. Always keep your area clean and tidy.
  5. Awareness is the key

Myself Sourabh Mandal, a young enthusiast journalist who aims to inform, educate and entertain my audience with the news all around. A excellent Photojournalist and writer . I thrive on capturing compelling stories through the lens and pen. My work aims to not only inform and engage but also to evoke emotion and inspire change.

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