Government Issues ‘High’ Risk Warning for Apple Users: Urges Immediate Updates


CERT-In Identifies Critical Vulnerabilities in iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has recently issued a ‘high’ risk warning for Apple users, highlighting multiple vulnerabilities discovered in various Apple devices. These vulnerabilities, if exploited, could allow remote attackers to gain access to sensitive information, bypass security restrictions, and execute remote code on targeted systems. Apple users are strongly advised to update their devices to the latest software versions to mitigate these risks.

 Affected Apple Software Versions

The advisory from CERT-In lists the following software versions as vulnerable:

– iOS and iPadOS: Versions prior to 16.7.8 and 17.5

– macOS Monterey: Versions prior to 12.7.5

– macOS Ventura: Versions prior to 13.6.7

– macOS Sonoma: Versions prior to 14.5

– Safari: Versions prior to 17.5

– watchOS: Versions prior to 10.5

– tvOS: Versions prior to 17.5

These vulnerabilities have the potential to be exploited by remote attackers to access sensitive data, bypass security measures, and execute malicious code.

 Updating Your Apple Devices

To protect against these threats, CERT-In advises all Apple users to promptly update their devices. Here’s how you can update your devices:

 For iPhones and iPads:

1. Go to Settings.

2. Tap General.

3. Select Software Update.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the latest update.

 For MacBooks:

1. Click on the Apple menu.

2. Select System Preferences.

3. Choose Software Update.

4. Follow the prompts to update to the latest version.

 Potential Risks and Exploits

The vulnerabilities identified could lead to severe security breaches, including:

– Sensitive Information Disclosure: Unauthorized access to personal and confidential information.

– Security Restriction Bypass: Attackers could potentially disable security measures, making devices more vulnerable.

– Remote Code Execution: Malicious code could be run on the device, leading to data theft or damage.

 Expert Recommendations

Cybersecurity experts emphasize the importance of keeping software up-to-date. Raghav Sharma, a cybersecurity analyst, states, “Regular updates are crucial as they not only bring new features but also patch security vulnerabilities. Users should always prioritize updating their devices to protect against potential threats.”

 Steps to Ensure Device Security

In addition to updating your software, consider the following practices to enhance your device security:

– Use Strong Passwords: Avoid using common passwords and opt for complex combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols.

– Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Adds an extra layer of security to your accounts.

– Regular Backups: Ensure your data is regularly backed up to avoid loss in case of a security breach.

– Be Cautious of Suspicious Links: Avoid clicking on unknown or suspicious links, which could be phishing attempts.

 Apple’s Response

Apple has been proactive in addressing these vulnerabilities by releasing timely updates. The tech giant continues to work on enhancing the security of its devices to protect users from evolving cyber threats. Apple users are encouraged to remain vigilant and proactive in maintaining their device security.


The high-risk warning issued by CERT-In serves as a crucial reminder for Apple users to stay updated and vigilant. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, ensuring that your devices are running the latest software versions is essential. By following the recommended update procedures and security practices, users can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber-attacks.

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