AI Innovation: LCI Barcelona’s Groovify App Radically Merges Fashion with Music


LCI Barcelona has just launched Groovify, a breakthrough ai app in the fusion of fashion and technology that turns fashion looks into musical compositions through artificial intelligence. This is a great tool to change the way we experience fashion, shifting the way we look at it into an audio form. The project is led by Alessandro Manetti and coordinated by Mariele Violano, with the support of area managers Pedro Coelho, Estel Vilaseca, Anna Pallerols, David Carretero, and Salvatore Elefante. This team is composed of nineteen people, including six students working in graphic design, interior design, user service, and setup and teardown.

The Intersection of Fashion and Music

The relationship between fashion and music started inseparably right from their very existence. Indeed, the two have influenced and triggered each other through the rise of many cultural movements, from dark, edgy ensembles that characterized the punk rock scene to sleek, futuristic outfits that outlined the setting for electronic music. The Groovify app by LCI Barcelona elevates this relationship to a whole new level by generating music directly from visual fashion elements.

From color to texture, pattern, and overall style, the app considers very advanced AI algorithms in analyzing fashion looks. After that, all these elements are translated into musical notes, rhythm, and harmony to come up with a unique soundtrack that somehow represents or gives life to an outfit


How Groovify Works

Groovify is user-friendly to both fashion and music lovers. All a user needs to do is upload a picture of the outfit, and the app will run it through a line of AI filters. The AI is trained with a vast data set of fashion trends and musical genres, allowing sophisticated correlative links between these two big aesthetic and auditory planes.
After analyzing, Groovify will pick up on the mood and aesthetic of a look, then generate a music track: for example, a bold, colorful outfit might turn into music that is very upbeat and energetic, while something extremely minimalist and monochromatic could give way to a very subdued, ambient track.

Implications for the Fashion Industry

Although Groovify is, at best, an interesting application, its potential impact on the fashion industry could be huge. The ability to change the whole experience of perceiving and interacting with the clothes, both in design and marketing, opens a wide array of perspectives for both designers and marketers. Designers could create immersive shows using Groovify where every outfit comes along with its own bespoke soundtrack. It could also be a great tool for marketers to think of newer ad campaigns that will engage the eye and ear of their target consumers.


Groovify for Influencers

Groovify enables influencers to turn any of their fashion choices into very personalized music tracks that would work as a sure bet in upgrading personal branding and bringing them closer to their target audience. Through fashion choices, they can groove more vividly in the minds of their followers. Just imagine an influencer who does not simply share a picture with an outfit but a custom soundtrack that gives a vibe to it—that definitely just pushes their content up by one more level of creativity and engagement.

With blended video and audio, Groovify will help an influencer gain a step ahead of the competitive yardstick by offering something very special and dynamic to their audience.

The future of groovify

LCI Barcelona is going to bring Groovify to the next level with an extension of the app for some of these sophisticated features: real-time music generation during live fashion events or cross-platform integration with virtual reality devices, among others. This app has a potential role in fashion education, helping fashion students and professionals better understand the relationship that exists between the visual aesthetics and the auditory art form.

A new version will enlarge the database with new sources such as Spotify, YouTube, and Beatport, targeting to make the application more relevant in the market. On top of that, the team is preparing itself for participation in the Web Summit, which is happening in Lisbon in November, where the beta version of the app will be showcased and partnerships/business opportunities sought afterwards.

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