Houthi Rebels Attack Ships in Red Sea, is it a Prelude to Iran’s retaliation against Israel?


The Red Sea has become a flashpoint of tension as Yemen’s Houthi rebels have escalated their attacks on commercial vessels, sparking fears of a broader conflict involving Iran and Israel. The most recent attacks, targeting ships near Yemen, have raised alarms about a coordinated strategy between the Houthis and Iran, potentially setting the stage for an imminent large-scale Iranian strike on Israel.

The Houthis have launched a new series of attack against ships in Southern Red Sea. The first incident occurred approximately 115 kilometres south of Hodeida, a port city under Houthi control, according to the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations center (UKMTO). An explosive device detonated near the ship, followed by a small vessel approaching suspiciously, flashing a light before a second explosion occurred, the UKMTO reported.

The third attack took place several hours later, about 180 kilometers northwest of Hodeida. Similar to the earlier incident, an explosion was observed near the ship. Fortunately, both the vessel and its crew were unharmed.Just last week, the Houthis targeted a Suezmax oil tanker four times within a 24-hour period.

Houthi Rebels attacking ships
source: Reuter

The attack is seen as a retaliation for the assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh. Many suspect that these attacks are a part of a bigger plan of Iran and serve as a distraction for the US and Israel military.

Who are Houthis?

The Houthis are Shia Islamist radical group which emerged in 1990s. The Houthis have been engaged in combat in Yemen since early 2000s, to have greater control over the northern Yemen.

During the 2011 Arab Spring, The President of Yemen, Saleh was forced to transfer power to his deputy, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi. However, President Hadi’s government struggled with numerous challenges. The Houthis capitalised on this turmoil, seizing control of the northern province of Saada and, with the support of Saleh and loyalist security forces, eventually captured the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.By 2016, The Houthis have taken control of large swathes of land in North Yemen as well as area around gulf of Aden and Red Sea.

Yemeni officials and Saudi Arabia claim that Iran and its proxy Hezbollah have provided arms, training and financial assistance to the Houthis. Recently, Houthis have started attacking the ships in Red Sea as well the UN office in Yemen, to protest against the ongoing military action of western nations in Israel- Palestine conflict.

Houthis Attacking the Red Sea

The Red Sea crisis began in November 2023, when Houthis launched drones and missiles on Israel to end the violence in Palestine and Gaza. Since then they have attacked more than 70 vessels and has killed 4 sailors. The rebels target the vessels that are linked with United States, United Kingdom, Israel and others as an effort to end the war.

The Houthis attack have significantly impacted the trade wroth $1 trillion dollars, by controlling critical choke point between the Horn of Africa and the Middle East (Known as the “Gate of Tears). This passage is the gateway to the Indian Ocean and Asia. Due to lack of secure waterway, many transit company and cargo ships have decided to use alternative routes like sailing aroundSouth Africa to have reach their destination.

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