Houthi Rebels Raid UN Human Rights Office in Yemen’s Sanaa


On Tuesday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights reported that Houthi rebels have seized the UN office for Human Rights situated in Sanaa. The militants also forced the local UN employees to hand over their documents and belongings, as confirmed by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk. The Houthis gained control over the building on August 3, forcing UN to suspend its operations in Sanaa and other Houthi controlled areas in Yemen.

Since the Israel Palestine war, the Iran Backed Houthis have proactively fought against Israel and its allies by attacking Ships in Red Sea, detaining UN officers and firing missiles at Israel.

Houthis attacking UN and other humanitarian organisations

The Iran backed Houthis has tried to remove the presence of UN officials, humanitarian agencies and Foreign embassies as they are seen proxy of US and Israel. Just in June, they detained 11 United Nations personnel . In addition they have also captured 3 employees of National Democratic Institute, Three from a local human rights group and three officials of the Yemen Government.

The Houthis posted a video of 10 detainees, who were coerced into confessing that they were recruited by US embassies.

Yemen Government’s Response to Houthi Attack

Since 2014, The Houthis have been at war with the internationally recognised Yemen government. The Capital city of Sanaa has fallen in the hands of the Houthis, forcing the Yemen government to move towards Aden. Following the violent tendencies of the group, the government has asked the UN and many banks to move to Aden in order to preserve their independent functioning.

As Sanaa and most of the north is under Attack, the Yemen government’s control is concentrated to Aden and southern Yemen.

Un’s response to Houthi Attack

The UN has suspended their operations in Houthi controlled areas. But it still remains in the region controlled by The Yemen Government.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk requested the Houthis to leave the premise and return all the assets that have been confiscated by them in a statement.

“Entering a UN office without permission and seizing documents and property by force are wholly inconsistent with the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. This is also a serious attack on the ability of the UN to perform its mandate, including with respect to the promotion and protection of human rights, which my Office is there to defend,” the High Commissioner said.


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