How Intermittent Fasting Unlocks Your Body’s Potential


How intermittent fasting works for the body has been a question much asked in recent years. This form of fasting gained rapid popularity for the various health benefits that it has to offer, many health experts and fitness coaches have talked about the benefits of it and its ability to enhance the body’s potential. 

Image Source: Yuri Elkaim

How Intermittent Fasting Works 

Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that alternates between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. Rather than focusing on what food items we should avoid, it focuses on when to eat our meals. While this is a new approach, the idea of fasting has its roots back to ancient times when it was used as a common practice to heal the body. 

The idea behind it is by restricting food the body effectively taps the fat stores for energy. 

The Benefits of intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting has a wide range of benefits. One of the most highlighted benefits is weight loss, by reducing the calorie intake it helps to promote weight loss. 

It also improves insulin sensitivity which may help lower blood sugar levels, the dropping of insulin promotes fat burning. Some studies have shown that it has major benefits for insulin resistance and an impressive reduction in blood sugar levels that lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

It also promotes cellular repair, triggering cellular autophagy, a process that removes damaged cells. Fasting may improve the function of Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell which is essential for cellular repair and overall health. It also induces mild cellular stress which can activate stress response pathways. 

According to a 2018 review by healthline, it may enhance the body’s resistance to oxidative stress which contributes to many chronic diseases and ageing. It may also lower the production of Pro-Inflamatory Cytokines which are molecules that promote inflammation.  

Fasting boosts the metabolic rates of the body and provides improved sleep by regulating the body’s circadian rhythm. It also has benefits for our brain and removes the brain fog. 

Intermittent Fasting may help with gut health by promoting a healthier gut microbiome, it also promotes a more diverse and balanced gut microbiota which is associated with healthier digestion, may support the integrity of the gut barrier which prevents the leakage of harmful chemicals into the intestines. 

Few studies have shown that it improves several risk factors for heart diseases ranging from improved cholesterol levels, lipid profile improvement, blood pressure regulation, lowering of inflammation to improved insulin sensitivity. 

Image Source: Eatingwell

While it has so many pros to our health it also has some cons like fatigue, hunger and irritability. However it ranks high as a good option to opt for for improving your health and wellness, but keeping in mind that it may not be suitable for everyone, it’s always best and advisable to consult a physician before making significant changes in your dietary habits.

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