How To Build A Daily Exercise Routine?


The most important as well as one of the most enjoyable and beneficial decisions you can make for yourself is the beginning of a new exercise regime. Exercise is one of the best ways of improving the appearance and the general health of the body. For those who are just starting with exercising and those striving to optimize the effects of the already formed program, the main principle remains the same – to develop an individual training regime that is suitable for you and adhere to it. Setting realistic goals and selecting activities that will draw your interest are key factors that may make a huge difference.

Set Clear Goals

Setting achievable objectives gives us a sense of direction and accomplishment

Any form of exercising should therefore be arrived at after one has made the following considerations; Determine your goals, for instance, the goal could be to gain fitness, reduce your weight or build mass. It would be best if you had specific targets as this will enable you to have direction on the workouts that you have planned. For instance, if you want to shed some weight, you may plan to have at least 30 minutes of exercise routine at least 5-6 days a week. With goals in writing, and with tracking of workout journal or diary, it can assist you also in staying on track.

Create a Balanced Routine

A balanced workout routine is like a three-legged stool, with each leg representing strength, cardio, and flexibility.

To maintain your exercise program stimulating and efficient, be sure you diversify your exercise. A balanced workout plan should have different types of exercise, such as: 


 That sort of exercise such as running cycling or swimming will raise your heart rate or your Physical Ability Test (PAT) and assist in building up your general fitness level.

Strength Training: 

Strength-train by lifting weights or using resistance bands to grow your muscles and the density of the bones. For example:  crunches, squats, push-ups and even such as lunges and many others.


Introduce activities such as Yoga or any related exercises aimed at enhancing the person’s flexibility to avoid the nuisances of injuries.

Listen to Your Body

We listen best to our bodies when we are having a loving relationship with our bodies.

It is advisableto listen to the signals that the body will be conveying while exercising as well as after exercising. If you feel that you are exhausted or that your muscles ache it is alright to sit down for a while. It is important to take time off from a workout regime to give the muscles some time of break and also avoid getting bored with the routine. Continuing exercising when in pain or exhaustion is dangerous and can lead to an injury thus having to heed the body’s warning signs.

However, if you are a beginner in exercise or using a new kind of exercise regime, do it gradually. Ease the intensity and the time spent exercising and only increase it gradually to allow your body to adapt.

Find Activities You Enjoy

Exercise is the key to have a sound body and mind.

A good exercise regime chosen by people will help them stay on course: It is always helpful to find ways of exercising one loves. Start to take up other activities for some time till you develop an interest in one activity or like dancing, hiking, playing sports etc. This is because, what many people do not know is that when engaged in an activity you love, the odds of exercising regularly will be high.

Also, there is advice to warm up before exercising and stretch after the exercise is done. Warming up is an important feature that prepares the body to get involved in any form of exercise and does away with the risk of being injured. Warm down can be beneficial for muscles and joints as well as to treat them to a good stretch. Warmers involve light exercise such as running for few minutes or jumping while coolers entail stretch or a few minutes of non-intense movements.

Stay Consistent

Staying motivated and consistent with your gym routine is essential for achieving your fitness goals.

For more efficient exercising, one has to follow up with exercise and fitness regularly to get visible effects. Attempt to follow your scheduled workouts and develop a routine that incorporates fitness. It is worse waking up in the morning and thinking what a great exercise you could have done and you end up doing nothing at all.

Thus, by establishing goals to work towards, developing a decent schedule, listening to the signals that one’s body is conveying, and doing activities that one finds pleasant and refraining from neglecting regular exercise, one will be en route to improving on one’s health.

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