How To Maintain Weight Loss Effectively


It is something that can take a lot of effort and time to achieve so it is a big accomplishment to be able to shed some pounds. However, true test starts after one has achieved the desired weight loss objectives as pointed out by several researchers. It is normal to get back to the same weight and this is usually referred to as weight loss rebound.

Get back to the same weight and this is something that may be seen as a major setback after going through the whole process and it may prove to be very demoralising. The good news here is that there is such a thing as bounce-back prevention and how to sustain the achieved weight in the future.

Focus on Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Sustainable weight loss is one of the best ways to lose weight that will aid you in the long run.

What people do not know regarding this aspect is that weight loss is more of a long-term process than a short-term diet. The biggest mistake that many individuals make is to jump on some crazy diets that are not healthy to be followed for long. Such diets may assist in achieving your desired weight loss goal within a short time but the moment you revert to the old eating habits, you are most likely to gain back the lost weight.

Do not aim at getting a solution that will change your diet and lifestyle immediately but opt for a progressive solution. This could be having more intake of fruits and vegetables, taking whole grain products instead of processed ones, enhanced intake of water and reduced intake of sugary products such as soda and sweets. These small changes that are made might slowly accumulate over some time and become normal thus making it easier to keep the needed weight.

Another factor that has a close link with the prevention of weight regain is the consistent undertaking of moderate exercising. One of the great things about lean body mass, or the other way around is that fat only burns calories when you are in an inactive state and as compared to muscles which can burn calories even while you are at rest, so the greater the muscle mass percentage, the easier it will be to maintain your current weight.

Take up some form of exercise that you would like to do such as walking, cycling, swimming or dancing among others and ensure that it is done regularly. It is recommended that a person attempt to do moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. The more you find the things you are doing enjoyable the more likely you’ll make it in the long run doing that exercise.

Practice Mindful Eating and Monitoring

A thoughtful way of eating could help with weight problems.

Other ways by which one may prevent weight regain include; Checking your weight regularly is also fruitful. Recently try someone weigh themselves every week so that he/she can assess the changes in their weight. This doesn’t mean that they should weigh themselves daily but should weigh themselves periodically to notice small changes that can lead to big changes later. This means that if you realize that have added a few extra pounds, you can correct your feeding habits or training regimen before they reach the level that would be a cause for concern. Awareness of the body weight keeps one alert and can change the situation on time when required.

The last is the awareness about the food consumed and be aware about he difference between hunger and binge eating. Most times, the human body is associated with a particular feeling such as stress, boredom or feeling and the natural response is to eat.

In this case, friends and family members need to be aware of such triggers for the heart patient and learn how to help the person avoid bitterness or depression because if left to fester such feelings can aggravate the patient’s condition. One of the simplest forms of healthy weight loss is indeed called mindful eating or rather the act of eating without distractions and in moderation. It all helps to ensure that one does not take more food than required and thus can easily stick to a given mean weight.

The natural influence of family, friends or a community also plays a huge factor in the changes we make that keep one good with their new size. Having friends and family members who will compel you to continue with a new healthy lifestyle will prove to be of crucial benefit. Perhaps, it would be a good idea to join some support group for people who also would like to lose weight or find someone with whom you would like to share this process and who would be an accountability partner to you.

Summing up, one can stress that the bounce back after weight loss cannot be prevented unless one is up for one more lifelong constructive lifestyle transformation. It is about diet and weight management and a healthy exercise regime with healthy eating habits. With these changes, you will be able to sustain the programs that will help you to lose weight and keep off detrimental health effects. Do not forget that weight loss is not an aim in itself and we should aim at a better life.

Just a wander, lost in her own world

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