How To Read Classic Literature In 6 Easy Steps


Have you been thinking about reading classic literature but feel intimidated by it? Trust me, you’re not the only one. The outdated language, the strange settings, and the sheer volume of these novels can be hard to understand as a beginner. Reading classic novels can be a rewarding experience with the right mindset and approach. Here are some tips to tackle classic novels:

Pick Your Poison

Like any other book or series, choose a classic that piques your interest. Pick a genre you like. For instance, if you like detective fiction, delve into the world of Arthur Conan Doyle or Agatha Christie. In case you’re a science fiction enthusiast, Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” is the perfect pick to begin with. If you are fascinated by fantasy, give J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” a shot. Try Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 or Margaret Atwood’s “Handmaid’s Tale” to start with dystopian classic literature. 

If you’d like to get started with shorter novels, check out 5 Short Classics You Can Read This Weekend.

Understand The Setting

source: English With Lucy

While reading classic novels, it is essential to research and understand the historical context to properly interpret them. Making yourself familiar with the political and cultural norms of the time will enhance your reading experience significantly. So before starting these novels try to get some background information of the period they were set in. For example, it is difficult to properly grasp “To Kill a Mockingbird” without having prior knowledge about the racism that existed during the 1930s.

Moreover, Getting some insights into the author’s life is beneficial as well, because it usually has a heavy influence on the plot and characters. Classic novels are filled with a copious amount of pop culture references prevalent at the time that may be bewildering initially. So hang in there if you’re unable to grasp them on your first try. It becomes better with a little practice and research.

Resources For Help

Watch adaptations of classic novels. Although these adaptations may not always be accurate, they give an idea of the setting, the costumes, and the life at the time of that novel, which makes reading more enjoyable. Online resources like litcharts and sparknotes come in handy for glossaries and to get an in-depth analysis. Moreover, there are annotated editions of many novels that contain commentary and insights. For example, David M. Shapard’s annotated editions of Jane Austen’s works. Some editions also have indexes that provide extra information about the book. Audiobooks also make reading more fun. Audiobook apps like Audible offer immersive storytelling experiences on the go.

Interact With Readers

Delving into classic novels doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. Interacting with other readers can help you gain valuable insights and discover new ideas that you might have otherwise missed. There are online reading book clubs that can be found through Instagram. An app called Fable allows you to be a part of an online community of readers. Watching YouTube videos of book-tubers is a good idea to get to know their perspective and experience with these novels. Some highly recommended booktubers are: Emmiereads, CarolynMarieReads, Benjamin McEvoy

Engage With The Reading Material

Grab a pencil and some sticky notes and annotate as you go. Underline the words and passages you don’t understand, write down any questions or doubts that come to your mind, and highlight passages that seem important. Don’t hesitate to jot down personal commentary like “Wait, what?”. Doing so not only enhances your reading experience but provides you with a good reference to turn to when having discussions about them.

Be Patient

Reading classic novels can be challenging at first so try not to rush. Note that classic novels usually take longer to finish than other novels. Slow down your pace to truly savor these masterpieces. Completely immerse yourself to truly appreciate them. In the bustle and hustle of modern days, there is nothing quite like curling up on your bed with a classic novel in hand.

Classic novels have withstood the test of time for a reason. They are incredibly exquisite stories that still evoke a wide range of emotions in us.  

Preety Dhunna is a dynamic content writer with a background in English literature and an unwavering passion for storytelling. She combines thoughtful analysis with engaging narratives to make nuanced topics accessible and interesting. With meticulous research and editing, Preety ensures her work is both informative and compelling. When not immersed in writing or lost in a book, she enjoys creative pursuits like embroidery.

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