India Tops Global Internet Shutdowns Chart in 2023, New Report Reveals


In a recent report published by a prominent digital rights organization, India has emerged as the country with the highest number of internet shutdowns globally in the year 2023. The findings shed light on the concerning trend of governments worldwide resorting to internet shutdowns as a means to control information flow and dissent. This article delves into the rising trend of internet shutdowns in India, their impact on citizens and the economy, and the calls for policy reform to address this growing challenge.

Rising Trend of Internet Shutdowns

Image Source: Accessnow

The report highlights a worrying escalation in the number of internet shutdowns enforced by the Indian government throughout 2023. According to the data, India witnessed a staggering total of 135 instances of internet shutdowns, significantly surpassing other nations in terms of frequency and duration. These shutdowns, often imposed under the guise of maintaining law and order or national security, have drawn criticism from human rights activists and advocacy groups for their adverse impact on freedom of expression and access to information.

The surge in internet shutdowns represents a concerning trend in India’s governance landscape. While the government cites reasons such as preventing the spread of misinformation or quelling public unrest, critics argue that these shutdowns are often disproportionate responses that violate fundamental rights. Furthermore, the lack of transparency surrounding the decision-making process for imposing internet shutdowns exacerbates concerns about accountability and democratic principles.

Impact on Citizens and Economy

Image Source: The Guardian

The widespread practice of internet shutdowns in India has had far-reaching consequences on both its citizens and economy. With internet connectivity becoming increasingly integral to daily life, the abrupt suspension of online services disrupts communication, access to essential services, and economic activities. Small and medium-sized businesses, in particular, bear the brunt of these shutdowns, experiencing financial losses and operational challenges.

The impact on individuals is equally significant, particularly marginalized communities and those reliant on the internet for education, healthcare, and livelihoods. During critical situations such as public emergencies or protests, the lack of access to information exacerbates uncertainties, impeding the public’s ability to stay informed and safe.

Call for Policy Reform

As India grapples with the repercussions of rampant internet shutdowns, calls for policy reform and greater transparency in decision-making processes are gaining momentum. Civil society organizations and digital rights advocates are urging the government to adopt alternative measures for addressing security concerns without resorting to blanket internet shutdowns.

Key recommendations include establishing clear guidelines and criteria for implementing internet shutdowns, ensuring judicial oversight to prevent abuse of power, and enhancing digital literacy initiatives to empower citizens to navigate online spaces responsibly. Moreover, stakeholders emphasize the importance of upholding democratic values, protecting fundamental rights, and fostering an open and inclusive digital environment that fosters innovation and progress.


The prevalence of internet shutdowns in India underscores the urgent need for a reevaluation of government policies and practices concerning digital rights and freedoms. While addressing legitimate security concerns is paramount, it should not come at the expense of basic human rights and democratic principles. As the global community navigates the complexities of an increasingly interconnected world, safeguarding internet access as a fundamental right remains imperative for ensuring equitable participation and progress for all.

Hi, I’m Rishika! I am a content writer who is deeply engrossed in the realms of world and national news, as well as the art of journalism. I am ardently driven by noble causes such as environmental preservation and the advocacy of human rights. I hold a profound empathy for those in need, particularly women, and firmly uphold the principles of equality and justice for all. Let us unite our efforts in effecting positive change!

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