India’s Assistance to Palestine: Demonstrating Unity


On Sunday, India dispatched humanitarian assistance to the troubled Palestinians in the Gaza Strip amidst the conflict between Hamas and Israel. Approximately 6.5 tonnes of medical supplies and 32 tonnes of disaster relief materials were sent to Palestine, with delivery planned through Egypt. 

India sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

Arindam Bagchi, the spokesperson for the External Affairs Ministry, announced on X (formerly Twitter), “An IAF C-17 flight carrying nearly 6.5 tonnes of medical aid and 32 tonnes of disaster relief material for the people of Palestine departs for El-Arish airport in Egypt.” 

The items will be transported to Palestine via the Rafah border crossing connecting Egypt and Gaza. Bagchi further specified that the aid includes crucial life-saving medicines, surgical supplies, tents, sleeping bags, tarpaulins, sanitation facilities, water purification tablets, and other essential items.

An IAF C-17 flight will carry the aid to Egypt’s El-Arish airport from where it will be sent to Palestine. (Photo: X/Arindam Bagchi)

Three days subsequent to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s conversation with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, India’s provision of aid to Palestine was set into motion. 

During their exchange on Thursday, Prime Minister Modi took the opportunity to convey his heartfelt condolences for the tragic loss of civilian lives resulting from the bombing of a hospital in Gaza. In the midst of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed India’s steadfast commitment to furnishing humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian populace. 

Following the discussion, Prime Minister Modi articulated, “We shared our profound concerns regarding the escalating terrorism, violence, and deteriorating security conditions prevailing in the region. I reiterated India’s unwavering principled stance on the Israel-Palestine issue.”

Two-State Solution

Arindam Bagchi, the spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and India’s recently appointed ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva held a press conference on Thursday to reiterate Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s stance on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. 

Bagchi emphasized that India maintains its condemnation of terrorist attacks on Israel, emphasizing that it is the collective responsibility of the international community to oppose terrorism in all its forms. Regarding the issue of Palestinians displaced from northern Gaza, Bagchi underscored the need for a “two-state solution.” He had previously affirmed India’s support for the establishment of a “sovereign, independent, and viable” Palestinian state.

MEA Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi

Bagchi conveyed, “We firmly denounced the dreadful terrorist assault on Israel. It is imperative for the global community to unite against terrorism in every manifestation.” He further stated, “The matter of Palestine was also addressed, and we have reaffirmed our stance supporting direct negotiations to establish a two-state resolution.”

Last week, Bagchi articulated India’s long-standing advocacy for resuming “direct negotiations” to achieve a viable Palestinian state within “secure and recognized borders.” He also expressed India’s aspiration for peaceful coexistence between the state of Palestine and Israel.

Addressing the tragic civilian casualties, Bagchi once again emphasized the global concern for the escalating humanitarian crisis, urging strict adherence to international humanitarian law. He emphasized that those responsible for civilian casualties in the conflict should be held accountable.

The violent conflict between Israel and Hamas, which began on October 7 following an unexpected and unprecedented attack by the Palestinian extremist group, has resulted in over 5,000 casualties on both sides and has sparked a significant humanitarian crisis in the Middle East. 

Hamas’ lethal assault involved infiltrating Israeli towns in the south, targeting civilians on the streets and in their homes, prompting widespread condemnation from global leaders. In response, Israel launched ‘Operation Iron Swords’ with the goal of dismantling Hamas’ operational bases in Gaza, causing extensive devastation in the area. This has led to mass displacement, a lack of essential services, and severely strained hospital capacities.

A recent bombing at a Gaza hospital, reportedly claiming hundreds of lives, has garnered strong condemnation from world leaders. While Hamas asserts that Israeli rocket strikes caused the tragedy, Israel denies this claim. Meanwhile, Israel is preparing for a ground offensive in Gaza with a coordinated approach to confront Hamas, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu previously stated that his country aims to “crush and destroy” Hamas.

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