India’s Engagement with ASEAN under the Act East Policy


In recent decades, India’s diplomatic outreach has undergone a significant shift towards Southeast Asia, particularly with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The Act East Policy, introduced by the Indian government, marks a strategic pivot towards fostering deeper economic, political, and cultural ties with ASEAN nations. This article explores the key dimensions of India’s engagement with ASEAN under the Act East Policy.

 Act East Policy

The Act East Policy, unveiled in 2014, represents a proactive approach to strengthen India’s relations with Southeast Asia. It is an extension and refinement of the Look East Policy initiated in the early 1990s. The Act East Policy aims to enhance India’s economic integration, connectivity, and strategic partnerships with ASEAN countries and the broader Indo-Pacific region.

Economic Integration and Trade Relations

One of the primary objectives of the Act East Policy is to deepen economic integration with ASEAN nations. India seeks to leverage the region’s dynamic economies and vast consumer markets to boost trade and investment flows. Bilateral trade between India and ASEAN has steadily increased, reaching significant milestones in recent years.India’s engagement with ASEAN is facilitated through various frameworks such as the ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA), which aims to reduce tariffs and promote trade liberalization. Additionally, initiatives like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) offer avenues for deeper economic integration among participating nations.

Infrastructure Development and Connectivity

Infrastructure development and connectivity are crucial components of India’s engagement with ASEAN under the Act East Policy. Efforts to enhance physical and digital connectivity through road, rail, maritime, and air linkages aim to facilitate smoother trade and people-to-people exchanges.Projects such as the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway and the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project are key initiatives aimed at improving connectivity and fostering economic cooperation between India’s Northeast region and Southeast Asia.

Strategic Partnerships and Security Cooperation

India’s engagement with ASEAN under the Act East Policy extends beyond economic ties to encompass strategic partnerships and security cooperation. Shared concerns over maritime security, counter-terrorism, and regional stability have propelled collaboration between India and ASEAN nations.Dialogues such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the East Asia Summit (EAS) provide platforms for engaging in multilateral security cooperation and addressing regional challenges collectively. India’s participation in naval exercises like the ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise underscores its commitment to enhancing security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

Cultural Diplomacy and People-to-People Exchanges

Cultural diplomacy and people-to-people exchanges play a vital role in fostering mutual understanding and strengthening ties between India and ASEAN countries. Cultural festivals, academic exchanges, and tourism initiatives serve as catalysts for promoting cultural diversity and forging enduring friendships.India’s rich cultural heritage and historical ties with Southeast Asia serve as a foundation for cultural diplomacy initiatives. Programs like the India-ASEAN Youth Summit and the ASEAN-India Artists Camp provide platforms for young leaders and artists to engage in dialogue and collaborative projects.


India’s engagement with ASEAN under the Act East Policy reflects a strategic imperative to harness the economic potential and geopolitical significance of Southeast Asia. Through proactive diplomacy, enhanced connectivity, and multifaceted cooperation, India seeks to cultivate enduring partnerships and contribute to the peace, prosperity, and stability of the Indo-Pacific region. As India continues to deepen its engagement with ASEAN nations, the Act East Policy remains a cornerstone of its foreign policy priorities in the 21st century.

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