The Controversy Over Iran’s Nuclear Program: Breakdown of the JCPOA and Regional Security Implication


Iran has the controversial nuclear program which has become a defining political issue that threatens the global oil supply to the world. The secret program that Iran wanted to start is because of its experience during the Iran-Iraq war to the fact that five of the world’s nine nuclear weapon powers are on its borders. At the same time, it also appears to have adopted a strategy of nuclear evading or maintaining the option of a weapons program, while trying to remain within the nuclear treaty.

Nuclear Program’s evolution

Iran’s nuclear weapons program makes sure to have a border attempt to become more self- reliant in arms and technology in order to develop. The program’s evolution has been implemented in order to acquire Tehran Struggle over the war with Iraq, where they influenced the usage of chemical weapons and had a nuclear weapons program. 


Iran claims to have an Iranian nationalism for its own esteem and international status. Particularly Tehran had the access to nuclear technology generally as a key development and wanted to prove the scientific progress. Even though countries like Israel, Pakistan and India appear to have further perception that the outside world is trying to deny technology, they also signed the global treaty on non-proliferation.

Nuclear Politics

Since the Iran-Iraq revolution, the nuclear program of political power has long been divided over how the theocracy should examine and international role it should track certainly. Examining the broad concepts of countries’ independence, self-reliance and social justice, collective agreements have shown elusive, even three decades after Islamic Republic’s birth

Throughout the program’s early stages, there appeared to be general consensus among the political elite about the need or right to proceed. The conflict and Iran’s politics began to criticize the nuclear program’s costs and certainly to Iran’s development goals.


The initial idea of nuclear program gave widespread support since its promised energy independence and scientific progress. It was prevalent amid the assertion of Iran’s rights against foreign arrogance, But the program has not been subjected to informed debate or public discussion about its ultimate goals.

Iran’s Nuclear Deal

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal), the long-term implications for Iran’s nuclear program are extremely difficult to predict and assess. The idea of JCPOA obliges Iran’s nuclear option for at least 10 to 15 years through a combination of physical limits on fissile material production and verification provisions.

JCPOA proponents argue that it could ultimately undermine advocates of nuclear weapons while the threat endangers Iran’s track of its nuclear weapons. This indicates to increase the benefits of economic integration and reduce the threat of military conflict with the US. Presumptuous that Iran’s motivations have not fundamentally changed, the hazard is that Iran will begin to gradually expand its enrichment capabilities and enrich at higher levels to create a more credible option to break out on a short notice.

Under the JCPOA, Iran will not build any additional heavy-water reactors for certain years. Later, after that the restrictions and limits of the JCPOA with respect to heavy water reactors, spent fuel and reprocessing are expressed as Iran’s plans and intentions rather than firm commitments.

Under the JCPOA, the IAEA will have the authority to inspect and monitor to confirm that Iran it is implementing the JCPOA’s terms. The additional Protocol permits the IAEA broader access on a more routine basis to follow up questions or be inconsistent. At declared facilities, the JCPOA verification regime provides the IAEA to have the prior verify that Iran is complying with the nuclear program limits and to detect any substantial diversions of nuclear material.

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