Israel’s attempt to shut down Associated Press News agency’s live coverage in Gaza


The Israeli government blocked the live video of Associated Press News Agency of Gaza on Tuesday, 21st May. However, the Israeli government now decides to return the seized equipment to the organization as immediately after they shup the live coverage, it faced mounting criticism for interfering with independent journalism.

After widespread condemnation, Israel decided to return the AP’s equipment. The AP’s live video of Gaza was back up in Israel, by early Wednesday.

However, the incident highlighted the significance of balance between fundamental right to press freedom and security concerns in war zones.

Accusations against Associated Press

The government seized AP’s video equipment positioned in southern Israel. The AP had been covering general view of northern Gaza when Israeli government accused it of violating the new media law by providing images to satellite channel Al Jazeera.

Israeli administration had used the same law to ban Al Jazeera, a Qatar based satellite channel earlier this month on May 5. The administration closed down the channel within Israel confiscating its equipment, banning its broadcast and blocking its websites.

 Israeli officials seizing Associated Press’ live feed equipment from an apartment block in Sderot, Tuesday, May 21 | Image Credits: AP News

Al Jazeera is one of thousand customers of the AP. The Associated Press was accused of providing live footage of Gaza to Al Jazeera that was said to be breaking the ban imposed on Al Jazeera.

Israel’s Media Law

Officials form communication ministry on Tuesday afternoon, arrived at AP’s location in southern town of Sderot and seized the equipment. They handed AP a paper, signed by Shlomo Karhi, the Communications Minister, accusing AP of violating the country’s foreign broadcaster law.

Shortly before this, AP was broadcasting general view of northern Gaza. The AP claims it complies with Israel’s military censorship rules, which prohibits to broadcast details like troop movement that could endanger soldiers.

Israel’s opposition leader Yair Lapid, called government’s this move against AP ‘an act of madness.’

Responding to Lapid, Karhi said that the decision to pass the law was taken unanimously by all government states, that any device used to deliver any kind of content to Al Jazeera shall be banned.

Along with AP, Al Jazeera has been one of the few international news outlets to be present throughout the war in Gaza, covering the airstrikes, overcrowded hospitals and accusing Israel of massacre.

The Biden administration called on Israel to back off, expressing concern over the censorship of the US-based news organization immediately after the seizure of the equipment.

The Biden administration, journalism groups and an Israeli opposition leader denounced the Prime Miniter Benjamin Netanyahu and pressured to take back the orders.

Shlomo Karhi, Israel’s Communications Minister, on Tuesday, writes on social media platform X saying: “I have now ordered to cancel the action and return the equipment to the AP.”

Lauren Easton, vice president of corporate communications at Associated press said “While we are pleased with this development, we are still concerned about the Israeli government’s use of the foreign broadcaster law and the freedom of independent journalists to operate in Israel.”

The spokesperson of the National Security Council, Adrienne Watson said that as soon as they learned about the reports, the White House and the State Department immediately engaged with the government of Israel to express their serious concern and pressed Israeli government to reverse this action.

When Israel shut down Al Jazeera’s offices within Israel earlier this month, media groups warned of serious consequences for press freedom the country.

The Foreign Press Association released a statement on Tuesday stating, “Israel’s record on press freedom has already been dismal throughout the war.” “It has prevented foreign journalists’ independent access to Gaza.”

Israel’s actions against the AP underscore the challenges faced by journalists during war coverage and the need for clear guidelines to protect both media freedom and national security.

The war in Gaza with a Hamas attack in Israel killed 1200 people and saw other 250 taken hostage. According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, more than 35,000 Palestinians have been killed since then.

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