Heavy Bombardment in Northern Gaza: Israel Retaliates to Tel-Aviv Attack


The lives of 2.3 million Palestinians again lie in uncertainty as Israel cuts off telecommunication and internet services across the Gaza Strip.

In response to Hamas’s recent airstrikes on Friday and the destruction of a residential building in Tel Aviv, Israel dropped heavy bombs, airstrikes, and artillery on northern Gaza that continued overnight and into Saturday.

The Palestinian Red Cresent informs that it cannot reach its team in Gaza. It was informed by the PRC, following a statement released on X (formerly Twitter), saying “We are deeply concerned about the ability of our teams to continue providing their emergency medical services, especially since this disruption affects the central emergency number ‘101″.

The raid on the border by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) on October 26, backed by fighter jets and UAVs, indicated an anticipated ground invasion. However, the quick escalation of the event has become an endangering surprise.

Image Source: The Times of Israel (Israeli tanks entering northern Gaza on 26 October)

Once the airstrikes hit Israel on Friday, both the Foreign Ministry and Defence Forces  of Israel released a joint statement on X, saying that Hamas is using hospitals to hide within and operate terrorist attacks on Israel. Although the bombing of Gaza’s hospitals has been deeply condemned by world leaders, the Israeli government denies all allegations, stating it was caused by Palestinian rocket backfire.

“We will not rest until Hamas is obliterated”- Israel’s envoy at the U.N. meeting on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the situation in Palestine only takes worse turns as events unfold. The total death toll of Palestinians has already been recorded at 7,000, which is 133 percent higher than the number of deaths in Israel. However, according to data, Hamas has yet to release more than 200 Israeli hostages back to their country.

Aftermath of UNGA Resolution for Truce in Gaza

In the emergency general assembly called at the United Nations on Thursday, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki was seen pleading in an emotional speech for countries to vote for humanitarian aid supplies for the survival of the injured in Palestine.

The silent position of Palestine at the U.N. as a speaker but not a voter, Minister Maliki said, “I appeal to all of you to vote to stop the killing. Vote to stop this madness”.

The voting results at UNGA further update: a total of 120 countries came forward for the resolution in the Israel-Gaza conflict, and Jordan’s plea on behalf of Arab countries for a humanitarian” truce” in Gaza has passed.

Image Source: America Times News Service

However, 14 countries have voted against the truce, including the United States of America and India remain on the list of 45 abstained countries, along with Canada, Germany, and Iraq.

Contrarily, the amendment proposed by Canada backed by the US and the West, condemning Hamas for its terrorist attack on October 7, has been dismissed with 88 votes in favour, 55 against, and 23 abstentions. The amendment has failed to pass due to not securing the mandatory two-thirds majority of votes from the members. India has voted in favour of the amendment.

Latest Updates on the Israel-Hamas Conflict on Day 21

In two days, the complete scenario has changed for the civilians in Gaza and Israel. The torment continues to unfold after the latest strikes have been made on the besieged Palestinians after Hamas attacked Tel Aviv.

  • Israeli military spokesperson Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari says that Israeli ground forces are “expanding operations” into the enclave.
  • Israel has intensified its bombing overnight.
  • Aid agencies lost all contact with Gaza staff due to a near-total blackout.
  • Palestinian officials reject Israel’s claim that Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza is a terrorist hub and is backing Hamas.
  • According to the former head of Human Rights Watch (HRW), Israel’s strikes on Gaza are violating international law.
  • The killing of Palestinians in Gaza now stands at 7,326, including 3,000 plus deaths of children.

Apart from the diplomatic issues, 53 killings of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) members in Gaza since the initial breakdown on October 7, are the latest addition to casualties in the Israel-Palestine war.

The Director-General of the World Health Organisation has mentioned on his social media that they have lost all contact with staff in Gaza, health workers, and humanitarian partners on the ground.

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