Celebrating World IVF Day 2024: Battling myths and taboos


Significance of World IVF Day

World IVF Day is celebrated every year on 25 July 2024. This day has been kept to remember the advancements and contributions of embryologists and scientists in the field of reproductive health.

The date was specifically chosen for a reason. 25th of July was the date when the first IVF baby, Louise Brown was made in 1978 by two scientists. They were awarded with Nobel Prize for invention of technology in 2010. This method is talked about as it is indeed a miracle and power over natural phenomena. The day is celebrated to spread awareness and knowledge among masses about the miracle technology and help people understand the science.

What is IVF?

In Vitro Fertilization is the process of artificially creating babies in a lab using certain technologies. First, the eggs are extracted from female reproductive system through Intra Uterine Insemination. The sperms are then taken from male body and both are manually fertilized in lab under controlled conditions to create an embryo. The embryo them planted in women’s body in hope that it will grow into a fetus.

The process is quite challenging for a couple, be it financially, emotionally or physically. In India, every 1 in 6 individuals suffer from infertility. However, much fewer number actually opt for the alternative because of many factors like above and superstitions on top of it. By celebrating the day, medical fraternity aims at discontinuing this myths and issues related to the process. Nowadays, infertility is a major and rising concern, One factor to it is late marriage and reproductive decisions leading to bad quality of egg and sperm. Also, lifestyle issues and sedentary way of living constitute a major concern.

IVF is a miracle science | source: Goodwill IVF

Myths and Taboos related to the process

There are many myths and apprehensions regarding to in-vitro fertilization. One must aware himself\herself about the process before starting. Some common myths and taboos are-

  1. IVF is just for infertile couples: Although it is generally understood that In vitro fertilization is done by those who can’t conceive naturally, it is not true. Couples who have certain genetic abnormalities can opt for the process to ensure a genetically healthy baby. It is becoming popular for same-sex couples who want to conceive as they can choose to have a sperm donor or egg donor.
  2. Only Females are infertile: In India, if a couple is not able to conceive the ‘problem’ is generally put on the women rather than going for treatment. However, we must understand it is a natural thing and anyone- male or female can go through infertility.
  3. It may increase cancer risk: Currently there is no scientific evidence that proves IVF causes cancer. It is a safe medical procedure that creates hope rather than issues.
  4. Man is blamed for not being enough: Another taboo associated with infertility is that men are targeted and looked down upon. They are judged by both family members and outsiders.

Because of some of these reasons many couples hide their condition from society and do not even opt for treatment in many scenarios. However, we must understand this a natural issue not in control of humans.

How to maintain good lifestyle before the treatment

As mentioned earlier, IVF is very laboring in terms of mental and physical stress. For the process to be successful, certain lifestyle changes must be adopted by both woman and man,

Relationships can take a toll during IVF \ Source: Money Control
  1. Financial Planning: First step is managing the cost. If you plan the expenses ahead you will not be tensed afterwards. Take medical insurances or start saving if you want to maximize finances.
  2. Practice yoga and meditation: The process can take a toll on your mental well-being. Don’t forget to meditate and relax your mind. If your mind is relaxed, body will be able to accept the treatment fast.
  3. Exercise and Get enough Sleep: Do not forget to do some physical activities and be fit. IVF is much more successful in people who are fit rather than underweight or over-weight. Sleep is one main factor. Try to spend time with your partner more and relax.
  4. Diet control: Have nutritious and healthy meals which include protein, vitamin and minerals and fiber. Avoid junk food during the time you want to conceive.
  5. Bond with partner: This process among other can heavily impact relationships. Spend time with partner. If needed go to couple therapy to improve communications and express emotions.

Journalism and Mass communication student at VIPS, IPU

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