‘Jitni Aabadi Utna Haq’ – Slammed


As Congress party’s leaders are saying ‘Jitni Aabadi Utna Haq’ That is what would former prime minister Manmohan Singh be thinking as earlier during his time as prime minister he always used to say that the minority has the first right to the country’s resources but now Congress is saying that the population of the community will decide who will have the right first to the countries resources so now they want to decrease the rights of the minorities or do they want to remove the minorities?

He says that the Congress party is no longer run by Congress people, senior leaders are just sitting there and neither are they being asked, nor do they dare to speak after seeing all this. Hearing the Bihar caste senses on Monday, Rahul Gandhi posted on a social media platform ” The censor of Bihar has revealed that OBC, SC, St are 84% there. Out of 90 secretaries of the Central Government only 3% are OBC who handle 5% of the Indian Budget. Therefore, he said it is important to know the caste statistics of India. The greater the population, the greater the rights”.

The Bihar Government’s caste census findings revealed that the OBC (Other Backward Class) and EBC (Economically Backward Class) together comprise 63% of the state’s population. The survey also stated that Yadavs, the OBC group to which Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Tejaswi Yadav belongs, was the largest in terms of Population.

Also making his statements on the schemes Prime Minister Modi said “The poor in this country are the biggest caste” If the poor are looked after well, the country will be directly well”.

Various accusations made by PM Modi include that the Congress party is converting ” Loktantra” (Democracy) to Loottantra ( Corruption ) and Prajatantra ( Democracy ) to Parivartanantra ( Dynasty).

Modi blamed the Congress govt in Chhattisgarh for corruption and crime.

The PM also made a statement where he tried comparing Chhattisgarh to Rajasthan for keeping it in place for a maximum number of crimes.

Also mentioned that the congress has a track record of looting the natural resources of Chhattisgarh and he will not allow the party to take over the Nagarnar Steel Plant.

As he inaugurated a steel plant at an event before addressing the rally said the factories are set up for the benefit of the people  from the state. He will not allow any political party leader to misuse the plants.

The factory will employ more than 50 thousand people.

He also mentioned that more than one lakh people are going to get employment because of various factory establishments in the future. Many youths from across the Country will come to Bastar for employment.

Bastar has been neglected by Congress party in last few years.

Hearing the Bihar caste senses on Monday, Rahul Gandhi posted on a social media platform ” The censor of Bihar has revealed that OBC, SC, St are 84% there. Out of 90 secretaries of the Central Government only 3% are OBC who handle 5% of the Indian Budget.

The survey also stated that Yadavs, the OBC group to which Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Tejaswi Yadav belongs, was the largest in terms of Population.

Therefore, he said it is important to know the caste statistics of India. The greater the population, the greater the rights”.The Bihar Government’s caste census findings revealed that the OBC (Other Backward Class) and EBC (Economically Backward Class) together comprise 63% of the state’s population.

Also making his statements on the schemes Prime Minister Modi said “The poor in this country are the biggest caste” If the poor are looked after well, the country will be directly well”.Various accusations made by PM Modi include that the Congress party is converting ” Loktantra” (Democracy) to Loottantra ( Corruption ) and Prajatantra ( Democracy ) to Parivartanantra ( Dynasty).Modi blamed the Congress govt in Chhattisgarh for corruption and crime.

The PM also made a statement where he tried comparing Chhattisgarh to Rajasthan for keeping it in place for a maximum number of crimes.Also mentioned that the congress has a track record of looting the natural resources of Chhattisgarh and he will not allow the party to take over the Nagarnar Steel Plant.

As he inaugurated a steel plant at an event before addressing the rally said the factories are set up for the benefit of the people from the state. He will not allow any political party leader to misuse the plants.

The factory will employ more than 50 thousand people.He also mentioned that more than one lakh people are going to get employment because of various factory establishments in the future. Many youths from across the Country will come to Bastar for employment.

Bastar has been neglected by the Congress party for many years.Bihar Survey Report on Caste: What does it say?

content writer and a passionate journalism student. Also she's a Master's student in Journalism and Mass Communication from Vishwakarma University. She has completed her bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Mass Communication.

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