Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer is upshot of social and cultural milieu of Kerala: Justice PS Narsimha at 9th VRKI Memorial law lecture.


Enouncing at the 9th VR Krishna Iyer Memorial Law Lecture, Supreme Court Judge Justice P.S.Narsimha remarked the eminent judge and the jurist Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer was transcending region and religion. This lecture was organized by the Sarda Krishna Sadgamaya Foundation of Law and Justice at the Kerala High Court.

Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer embarked on an intricated discourse on the twin values of fraternity and dignity in his decisions. He exerts influence by the social and cultural milieu of Kerala,” said Justice Narsimha.

He departed that Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer had discovered perennial values of the Constitution from many unwritten portions of the document.

  • Justice Narsimha said Kerala had been a high-yielding ground for spiritual masters, intellectual trial blazers, and social reformers. This is a fusion of beautiful cultures and regions. He added that Justice Iyer was an inspiration as,” Kerala has a canvas of a universal spirit, that is spiritual consciousness beautifully integrated with social consciousness.
  • Mateŕializing on fraternity, Justice Narsimha said it can be traced to the Preamble of the Constitution. Fateŕnity means the regalness of an individual. It is a universal spirit and dignity is how one treats the other.
  • He further added that the constitutional value is the value of fateŕnity. ” Justice Iyer lived in his cultural and social milieu of Kerala which has adopted both the values of fraternity and Dignity. He had solicitude for individuals and strived for the encouragement of weaker sections of people, ” added Justice Narsimha.

” There are unwritten portions of the Constitution which are silent. These are those silent parts of the Constitution which he would have recognised and translated in the interpretation of the Constitution, ” he said.

Justice Narsimha also highlighted the contributions of three remarkable women from Kerala who were pioneers in their respective fields. These women were Dakshyani Velayudhan, the first Dalit woman to serve in the Constituent Assembly; Justice Anna Chandy, the first female judge; and Justice Fatima Beevi, the first female Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Justice Narsimha acknowledged their remarkable achievements and praised their invaluable contributions to the nation.

” Kerala is a fertlie ground for lawers and judges to devlop that attitude, devlop that desire to look at the Constitution and inteŕpret closely to that perennial value”, says Justice Narsimha.

Justice Narsimha praised Justice Iyer as a diligent attorney who consistently honed his skills through dedicated practice. He emphasized that Justice Iyer possessed extensive knowledge and diligently examined and critically analyzed the facts presented before him, ensuring their accuracy and truthfulness.

He further mentioned that Justice Iyer was not only an engaged member of society but also a passionate lawyer who deeply empathized with the challenges faced by his clients. This sense of empathy and concern for others persisted throughout his career, even when he served as a judge. Justice Narsimha highlighted that Justice Iyer’s multifaceted life allowed him to accumulate a wealth of outrageous experiences.

” He was a legislator, he wasin political executive, he was in the law commission. These experiences that he had were invaluable, were used by him to go closer and closer to the truth”, adds Justice Narsimha

Justice Narsimha discussed how the fragility of human life, emphasizing that individuals often hesitate to act upon the truth despite knowing it mattered to Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer. He noted that human vulnerabilities often prevent people from accepting or acting in accordance with the truth. Justice Narsimha also highlighted the exceptional nature of individuals like Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, who possess unwavering determination and wisdom, enabling them to recognize and take action based on the truth.

” Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer acted in furtherance of truth and for which he had the courage”- Justice Narsimha.

He concluded by stating that Justice V.R. krishna Iyer embodied both capability and bravery, which are timeless virtues applicable not only to lawyers but to all individuals. The event also featured speeches from Chief Justice of Kerala High Court A.J. Desai, Attorney General of India R. Venkataramani, and former Supreme Court Judge Justice K.M. Joseph.

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