Kashyap, devastated by Netflix’s Maximum City exit, suffered depression, two heart attacks


Following the Tandav controversy, a wave of caution swept through the web series and movies that were going to be released on different streaming services. Many of the projects took the brunt of it, needing extensive rework or being shelved. Among the projects impacted was Anurag Kashyap’s ambitious Netflix adaptation of Suketu Mehta’s “Maximum City”. Just before pre-production began, Netflix abruptly withdrew from the project, citing the streaming behemoth’s prudent approach in light of the nation’s heated political atmosphere.

Image Source: The Indian Express

In a recent interview with The Washington Post, Anurag Kashyap discussed the significance of “Maximum City,” stating that it is his best work and emphasizing its importance. The director lamented the trend of self-censorship that streaming services had adopted in the wake of the Tandav scandal, calling it a subtly “invisible censorship.”

Kashyap laments lost revolution, heartache after Netflix’s Maximum City departure

“Maximum City,” as Kashyap put it, “was my best work.” I’ve never completed work this significant and honest.” The director disclosed that Netflix had left the project without providing a clear explanation, so he was left to surmise whether the material he had written was considered too delicate or if he had grown too close to the streaming service.

Anurag Kashyap suffered greatly as a result of this incident, going into a protracted depressive state and turning to alcohol for comfort. “Maximum City was where all my energy went,” he said openly

Looking back at the state of streaming services, Kashyap was extremely disappointed, seeing this market as a squandered chance for the revolution he had been waiting for. The letdown is that although there was supposed to be a revolution, one did not occur. Similar to social media, it started out as a tool meant to empower people.

Kashyap persists, premieres “Kennedy” at Cannes amid streaming challenges

In spite of these obstacles, Anurag Kashyap persisted in his artistic endeavors. “Kennedy,” his most recent movie, had its world premiere at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival. The Zee Studios-produced movie, which starred Sunny Leone and Rahul Bhat in the key parts, demonstrated Kashyap’s fortitude in the face of difficulties.

The “Maximum City” controversy illuminates the intricate relationship between self-censorship, artistic freedom, and the impact of political environments on the entertainment sector. Though once heralded as revolutionary spaces for storytelling, Kashyap’s dissatisfaction with streaming platforms raises more questions about the potential and drawbacks of these platforms.

According to Kashyap, the self-censorship trend raises questions about how it will affect artistic expression and the stories that might be overlooked because of worries about offending political sensibilities. Like Kashyap’s vision of “Maximum City,” the invisible boundaries imposed by such caution may prevent the investigation of significant and truthful stories.

Anurag Kashyap’s career is a microcosm of the changing Indian film industry, filled with highs and lows related to creative achievement and business obstacles. Kashyap’s experiences highlight the necessity for a nuanced conversation on the role of self-censorship, streaming platforms, and the larger socio-political context in forming the narratives that reach audiences as the industry struggles to strike a delicate balance between artistic freedom and outside pressures.

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