Kerala’s step towards innovation


A challenge towards innovative and technological Kerala

Kerala, a state known for its high literacy rate and social development in the southern part of India is planning to invest in knowledge based sectors. Kerala authorities are taking significant steps towards a progressive change in their industrial sector. Kerala industrial authorities are positioning itself in such a manner that they can become a leader in the knowledge economy and can built itself into industrial hub. They are in a way to create employment for locals.

Causes behind the movement:

Kerala Industries Minister P. Rajeeve gave multiple factors for all these decisions. Kerala has been having the highest literacy rates in India and well educated population , therefore they are having a strong foundation for the development of education sectors. It has been contributing significant GDP(Gross Domestic Product) from all other sectors like healthcare, education, and service sectors and by increasing knowledge based sectors , they can diversify themselves its economy and reduce their dependency on other states.

Today , the world is rapidly shifting towards digital platform and information based economy . All of us need to change according to time . Kerala ministers have understood it well and have taken their first step towards it. By encouraging education based sectors , they want to make people aware about the changing time . The world has become digital and they can get the whole info just by one click. Today’s youth need to understand and learn about all these facilities. Providing them all these education, it will be a great opportunity for everyone to learn and keep them update about it. Industries such as information technology (IT), biotechnology,biochemist, nanotechnology, and pharmaceuticals are rapidly growing and require a workforce with specialized skills.

Key Areas of Investment:

1. Information Technology and Digital Innovation:

Kerala is known for its leadership in IT sector because of the establishment of Technopark in Thiruvananthapuram , one of the India’s largest IT parks. Blessed with diversified nature , Kerala tries to expand more by promoting a digital innovation in their state. Some tech startups were initiated like Kerala Startup Mission(KSUM) so that a vibrant ecosystem can be created leading to development of digitilization.

2.Biotechnology and Life Sciences:

Biotechnology has progressed much more than last few years. The worldly progress lies on behalf of biotechnology. It has paved a way where each and every minute thing can be researched . It has led a significant milestone in the field of science. Many research organisations are set up due to biotech which has provided a relief to all those youth who are looking themselves to upgrade in the research field.

3.Healthcare and Medical Research:

India’s population is increasing day-by-day. All these happened because of high natality rate and low mortality rate. Health sector have really been improved due to upgradation in medical field. Initiatives are taken by different organisations to improve the health care sectors and offering world-class medical services at competitive prices.

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