Madras High Court orders execution of a non-bailable warrant against a Tamil Nadu official.


The Madras High Court issuing a non-bailable warrant against Tamil Nadu officials signifies a serious legal action initiated by the court due to non-compliance or failure to adhere to its orders or directives. This step indicates the court’s determination to ensure that its orders are followed and respected by the concerned officials, potentially related to issues of governance, legal compliance, or public interest matters within the state.

Source- LiveLaw

What was claimed by the Freedom fighter?

A 97 year old freedom fighter claimed to the court for  not receiving any pension from the year 2008 to 2021.The Madras Highcourt also  issued a non bailable warrant against the Additional secretary.The public political pension department was charged for not paying the old man the arrears of his pension.

Source- Prime Legal

Justice Anita Sumanth agreed to pay the arrears 

The Chennai commissioner of Police was directed by Justice Anita Sumanth  to  produce Anthonysamy (fresh Secretary) before the court on July 8.

According to the sources the Freedom fighter was granted the pension from 2021 for being a part of the Indian National Army. Due to this he filed a writ of solicitation in the High Court at the exact time to seek his meritorious shares of pension from 1987. 

While going through this case, Justice Anita Sumanth didn’t find any drafts of him submitting any application for pension in the year 1987. However she found a letter which had an application written by him in 2008 claiming this issue.The judge directed the state government , represented by Additional Secretary , to pay his due from 2008 to 2021 within a period of six weeks.


What events delayed the pension?

In 2023 the first Division Bench of Chief Justice Sanjay V. Gangapurwala (retired) and Justice P.D. Audikesavalu dissolved the appeal on June 28, 2023. Thereafter the arrears were not paid which led to this present scenario.

Additional Advocate General P. Kumaresan informed the court that the government had decided to review the solicitation. Still Justice Anita stayed unenthusiastic after the delay in submission and granted ten farther days to complete the payment of the arrears.

Action taken against The Tamil Nadu official

When the arrears were not paid indeed  after the fresh time given in the proceedings , she ordered a non-bailable leave against the fresh clerk. 

An aspiring journalist exploring crimes, foreign relations, technology and entertainment through the lanes of this City.

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