Military-industrial complex requires constant wars to make money


Arms companies make a huge margin of profit from these wars, but their close relationship with political leadership is not discussed. Political elites often created their enemy to ensure that only a small number of private players make profit from creating weapons which in turn will support them to hold onto their power. We only talk about political leaders who wage wars against each other but what about the so-called defense industries who lobby these endless wars and conflicts. 

Today, one fourth of humanity lives in conflict zones. Even after humans have made so much progress, wars like Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas still continue in the 21st century. We manufacture sophisticated weapons and test these products in conflict zones to market their lethality, which soar up their global demand. It is undeniable that all powerful arms businesses and industrialists require constant wars in order to make money.

Eisenhower cautioned the world

The term military-industrial Complex was first used by President Eisenhower in his 1961 farewell address to the America. It is consuming taxpayers money by building larger weapons in the name of national security. He warned the Americans and the world of his darkest fears of where this world was headed. 

He pointed out the growing influence of military and industry establishment will manipulate policy detrimental to America’s future.

Military-industrial complex pose a grave threat to civilization

Military industrial complex has emerged from the adverse impact of the capitalist system. It has become an existential threat to our civilization because it has captured the American political and economic system. It no longer cares about the winnable wars, it simply needs wars and conflicts to make money out of it.

It is ironic for a country to lecture about peace and tranquility when it leads the ranking of the countries with highest military spending. The US constitutes over 40% of the total military spending worldwide. Metaphorically speaking, the teacher who teaches about peace is the biggest threat to international peace.

It is unfortunate that US policy to serve the military-industrial complex will not change and it has become a tragedy for the world.

US hype about the “Russian threat” and the “China threat”

The Biden administration has approved more than $61 billion of military aid to Ukraine in its war against Russia as well as support for other US allies including Israel, Taiwan. In reality,  the US is spending more on its own military-industrial complex. Politicians see the heat of election year and the job it will create for their consistency. 

Military spending across the globe has grown steadily in the past few years. It has been caused by the outbreaks of Russia-Ukraine war, Israel-Hamas war, and the increasing tensions in the South China sea. 

Politicians in America hype about “Russia threat” and “China threat” are encouraging the sales of weapons to win support of US Defense companies and businesses in elections.

Military-industrial complex revolutionized by AI

In the age of Artificial intelligence, military-industrial complex are rushing to embrace AI to empower the military. Militaries are hoping to integrate AI technologies into weapon systems so that they can function autonomously. These autonomous weapons will engage in war without risking the life of a state’s military personnel. They could be precisely targeted without harming the unintended targets in the way and they are cheaper than conventional weaponry.

But what is worrying about these revolutionized AI weapons is that they dehumanize the people targeted in war and conflicts so they steer clear of guilt of mass killings. The waging state could simply direct weapons to the targeted places and kill with just a click. It will become a grave ethical concern for humanity.

The new arms race of AI weapons which will just stimulate further military-industrial complex.


Pursuing Masters in Politics with specialization in International Relations from School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

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