Morning Walk In Winters : Beneficial Or Harmful for your Health ?


Morning walk helps us to stay healthy in so many ways. But is it beneficial for us anytime? Let’s find out in this article.

“Morning Walk” is the first thing that come to mind whenever we are talking about Physical Health. Morning walk helps in our Bloop pressure , Diabities and so many other diseases. It has some side benefits also , like wake up early , helps in socializing and make time in our busy daily life routine.

We think Morning walk helps us to stay fit and healthy every time but it is not true , Sometimes it can also be harmful or dangerous for us .

In winters there are so many risks that comes along with morning walk. Like heart attacks are so common in the season of winters. Accidents occours the most in the season in winter . 

Why Should We Stay Alert In Winters During Morning Walks ?

There are many factors that tells us to stay alert when you are going for a morning walk in winters . Here are some of them –

  • Health – Cold is a common thing in winters. It happens because of temperature change. We should not go on Morning walk when we have cold , it will make worse our condition. 
  • Asthma Patients – If a Asthma patient breaths in fog or smoke , that will be so harmful for them. They can have irritation in the Respiratory Tract , and feel congestion in their Lungs and Chest.
  • Fog –   In the winters there is so much fog that the road is almost invisible. Dur to this cause most of the accidents occour in winters. Fog also have some dangerous gas inside itself like Carbon Monoxide (CO ) , Sulphur Dioxide ( SO2 ) etc. If we breath in fog for a long time we start to feel Dizzy. 
  • Blood Pressure – When we are walking our body temperature start to increase , after that it decreases and that also cause sudden change in our blood pressure.
  • Olds – In winters , The air is more polluted because of fog. It can be more harmful for olds because they don’t have strong immunity system like youngs.

Preparations Before Morning Walk in Winters – 

In winters you should have some additional preparations for morning walk than other seasons. Here are some of them –

  • Warm Clothes – when going for morning walk in winters , you should have a scarf at least with you because it helps to maintain your body temperature.
  • Mask – A masks helps you to prevent from breath in polluted air or Fog.
  • Shoes – You should put on convenient shoes for running. You can have a good walk with them.
  • Place – You must choose a safe place for your walk. It is the most important thing. A park or a open field is good. You should avoid Roads.
  • Speed – When you are walking ,  always start with slow speed and than increase it gradually and also end your walk with slow speed.
  • Take Water – You should r=take warm water with you , it helps to stay hydrated and pure water.
  • Diet – Have a proper diet after morning walk. It will help in keep your stamina.
  • Don’t Use Earphones – Avoid use earphones , earplugs when walking. They prevents you to listen Dogs , Horns , People  and so many accidents occour cause of them.
  • Time – In winters , Go for Morning walk after 7 AM or if it possible go after the fog is lifted.

What To Do In Winters Instead Of Morning Walk –

You can exercise at home instead of morning walk Or you can join Gym for the time being. Make the room temperature warm and avoid Cold water. Avoid oily things. Do indoor yoga or exercises. Don’t work in waters or stay too long in them.

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