MUMBAI DOUBLE RAPECASE: Two Gang Rape Cases Reported Within One Month: How Long Will Innocent Girls Remain Victims?


There are many pending rape cases in India that have never been resolved, and the families of the victims still hope for justice as they continue to visit police stations. Rape cases have become so common in India that in big cities like Mumbai, within just one month, there have been cases of gang rape involving underage girls reported at police stations.

Image Source: Onmanorama

This incident took place in Thane district of Maharashtra, where within one month, news of sexual assault involving two underage girls has emerged. On July 12, a case of abduction and gang rape of an 11-year-old girl from Thane district was reported to the police. According to sources, the minor girl was kidnapped in an auto rickshaw and then subjected to sexual assault by two individuals.

Upon filing a case by the parents, action was initiated under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the POCSO Act. According to the police, this incident occurred on the evening of July 12 when the victim was heading towards Ambernath railway station. At that time, the suspect started following her and began harassing her when he got the chance. He then introduced himself to her father and grandmother and placed her in a rickshaw. There were two other people present in that rickshaw, who took her to a secluded place and committed the heinous act of gang rape.

They frightened the rickshaw driver and proceeded with the brutal crime against the minor girl. She was also threatened that if she told anyone about it, she would have to pay double the price for it. As soon as she got the chance, the victim escaped from there and reached home, where she exposed the brutality of those monsters in front of her family. Her family took her to the police station, where a case was filed under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the POCSO Act, and the investigation of the case was also started. The accused was also arrested.


This is not the first case in Thane district this month, but the second case. Yes, before this, in the first week of July, a 9-year-old girl was raped and murdered. This case is still under investigation by the police, and this recent incident has instilled fear in the hearts of people.

In fact, the first case of July in Thane district was the rape and murder of a 9-year-old girl. According to information, the parents of the minor girl were at work and her younger brother was at school. Taking advantage of this situation, the accused committed this heinous crime.

Image source; The economic times

According to the victim’s father, when his son returned from school, he did not find his sister at home. After searching here and there, when her whereabouts were not found, he informed the parents in the evening. And people started searching for her. In the search, the victim was found in a critical condition on the third floor of a building. She was immediately taken to the hospital, but by then she had already passed away.

The deceased girl’s father works in a power loom and her mother works in a factory. The eldest daughter is married and the two daughters work to support their parents. The deceased girl was the youngest daughter of the family. Senior police officer Vinayak Gaikwad had said that the police had thoroughly investigated this case and, let me tell you, the accused Abhay Yadav was put behind bars within just 2 hours.

Image source;

In countries like India, addressing sexual violence and improving societal attitudes toward victims are crucial. Many cases go unreported because victims fear repercussions or lack confidence in the legal system. This not only allows crime to persist but also perpetuates a sense of insecurity and fosters a distorted sense of morality in society.

To change this, we need to increase social awareness, improve support systems for victims, and ensure swift and just legal processes. By doing so, we empower individuals to speak up against perpetrators and to live in a society where they feel safe and respected.

Firstly, comprehensive public awareness campaigns are imperative to dispel myths and challenge cultural norms that perpetuate victim-blaming and impunity. Educating communities about consent, gender equality, and rights can empower individuals to recognize and report abuse without fear of retribution.

Secondly, improving support systems for victims is essential. Accessible counseling services, safe shelters, and confidential reporting channels must be expanded to provide a supportive environment where survivors can seek help and begin healing.

Lastly, ensuring swift and fair legal processes is crucial to restore faith in justice. Strengthening law enforcement responses, expediting trials, and enhancing victim protection measures are pivotal steps towards holding perpetrators accountable and deterring future offenses.

By implementing these reforms, India can foster a society where survivors are empowered to speak out, perpetrators face consequences, and all individuals can live free from the pervasive threat of sexual violence. Such measures not only uphold justice but also promote a culture of respect, safety, and equality for all citizens.

Image Source; Axios

I am passionately pursuing my dream to become a journalist, driven by a deep desire to play a meaningful role in society through my work. Currently studying BJMC (Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication), I am dedicated to honing my skills and knowledge in journalism. My goal is to leverage the power of media to inform, inspire, and initiate positive changes in our society."

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