Narendra Modi says 2014 was the glorious year of Badlav


According to Narendra Modi, telecom is the gateway to digital India. Over the past ten years, the domestic telecom sector has grown, and Ashwini Vaishnaw believes that India will soon be among the top countries in the world for telecom technology. According to The Times Now, during the nine years of the Narendra Modi administration, creative projects have been put into place to advance the nation’s technological capabilities. According to other researchers, India is leading the world in telecom technology. The telecom industry has seen significant changes since then, leading the Narendra Modi government to declare 2014 to be the year of change. 

Prime Minister Modi declares 2014 a year of progress and says that technology is a priority for the government.

One of the main demands of Indian citizens is technology, and the BJP government is actively pursuing this goal. On Friday, October 27, 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched yet another attack on the Congress, calling 2014 a “badlav” (change) rather than just a year when people rejected antiquated phones with frozen screens in favour of a government that has changed the country. Speaking at the India Mobile Congress, Mr Narendra Modi used statistics to show how the country switched from importing to exporting mobile phones and how big tech companies like Google and Apple competed to set up production facilities in India. 2014, according to the prime minister, is a badlav for the country rather than a date.

Using outdated phones with frozen screens that will not turn on no matter how many swipes or buttons are pressed, Mr Modi poked fun at the Congress-led UPA and likened it to a similar frozen state. During the India Mobile Congress, Prime Minister Modi stated that in the past, India was only an importer of technology.  It is currently the second-biggest manufacturer in the world. Given the crucial role that technology plays in both society and government, he referred to this as a proud moment.  Other researchers also stated how India is flourishing in the field of technology.

Narendra Modi’s take on ‘India-made phones’

“There was no success with a restart, charging the battery, or even changing the battery,” PM Modi stated. “In 2014, people gave us the chance to serve the country by leaving such antiquated phones behind.” While asserting that there were no issues with the 4G rollout that took place during the current administration’s tenure, the Prime Minister brought up the 2G scam.

Mr. Modi said that after launching the fastest 5G mobile phone network, India is now poised to become a leader in the field of 6G. The Prime Minister claims that phones that are “made in India” are used worldwide. According to him, India’s mobile broadband speed has improved from 118th to 43rd place. In less than a year since the launch of 5G, four lakh 5G base stations have been installed. 

During the IMC, Communications Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw stated that India is increasingly becoming recognized globally as a pioneer, supplier, and innovator in telecommunications technology. Mr Vaishnaw claimed that because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s steadfast vision and leadership, the telecom sector has overcome the cloud of litigation and the 2G scandal, setting numerous records for connectivity, affordability, and standards. 

Mr Vaishnaw supported his assertion that telecom is the entry point to the digital world with examples from India’s rapid rollout of 5G services and its well-defined 6G roadmap. The prime minister declared that the government’s main goal is to give its citizens access to capital, resources, and technology. While asserting that there were no issues with the 4G rollout that took place during the current administration’s tenure, the Prime Minister brought up the 2G scam. Additionally, he conveyed his belief that India will lead the way in 6G technology.

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