NASAL SPRAY breakthrough :A new lifeline


This article highlights the introduction of a ground breaking nasal spray for treating anaphylaxis -a severe allergic response. This development is significant as allergic reactions can be life-threatening. The allergic response can be triggered at anytime, any place due to various allergens such as certain food products,medications, smell and drugs. This needs to be controlled before having severe problems.Allergic responses are of many types and affect life adversely.New generation people are having chances of getting infected more than old generation.


Anaphylaxis is considered to be rapid and severe allergic response after an exposure to specific allergen. Not all allergies are same. It can be of different allergen or it might be simple touch. The symptoms also differ according to the allergen; in most of the cases symptoms include difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, loss of consciousness , coughing and a sudden drop in blood pressure etc. Without proper treatment, anaphylaxis can be fatal. The standard emergency treatment is having an injection of epinephrine (adrenaline) administered via an auto injector called EpiPen.


How does epinephrine works?

Epinephrine (adrenaline) works as auto constrictor. It rapidly constricts blood vessels hence raising blood pressure.It also relaxed muscles in the airways thus countering the life threatening effects of anaphylaxis.It can be daunting for those people who are unable to self administer a shot in a high stress situation. It can be life-threatening for those people. This challenge was taken up by the researchers and a new more friendly alternative was introduced the previous month.This was a need of the situation and according to that, the action was taken by our researchers.

The Innovation:A Nasal Spray for Anaphylaxis

The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) recently approved the new first ever nasal spray, known as NEFFY, which was developed by ARS Pharmaceuticals for treating anaphylaxis, danger and life-threatening allergic response. This spray delivers a quantised dose of epinephrine intranasally, a less invasive and more accessible method of administration. The nasal route is advantageous as it allows for quick inhalation and absorption into the bloodstream which rapidly shows its effects without wasting a second.This innovation will lead to further more research in this field and will contribute to many scientific sector .

Source:Redcliffe Lab

Advantages of the Nasal Spray:

Introduction of natural spray has its own advantages of using it. One of the most important advantage is its ease of use. Nasal spray can be administered with minimal training as in case of auto injector which requires precise handling and proper training to be handled. Besides these, nasal spray is simple to use and also time saving. A person facing anaphylaxis can intake nasal spray with their own without having dependency on other. Moreover, it eliminated the use of needles, which reduces chances of contamination and beneficial for children and people who are having needle phobia. The nasal spray will improve patient compliance and outcomes in emergency situations.

Source: SnackSafely

Implications for Public Health:

The USFDA approved 2 mg version of one- nostril nasal spray conducted on 175 healthy adults who did not have anaphylaxis on 4 rounds. These studies compared epinephrine levels in the blood after using NEFFY whether similar results will devised or not. Finally, NEFFY was approved by the USFDA on August 9. It represented significant advancement in the management of anaphylaxis.

This innovation boosted the public confidence in managing allergy in environment like schools, restaurants and other public places where anaphylaxis can occur unexpectedly. This development also encouraged increased availability of emergency epinephrine and decrease in the morbidity and mortality associated with anaphylaxis.This will increase the natality rate of the people.

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