National Nutrition Week -A magic for health


National Nutrition Week is celebrated annually in the first week of September worldwide to make people aware about the importance of nutrition and balanced diet.People nowadays don’t take their diets properly so it become more important to let people know the impact of nutrition on overall health. Changing lifestyle have changed the way a person intake diet. And so is the result, reducing lifespan of human though the technology has advanced a lot.

Source:The UBJ

It is said that,” Health is wealth”, but here the question arises, do people really considered their health as wealth? The answer is NO, majority of people don’t take it seriously. They try to adjust in a way they are . By looking upon these, In India, National Nutrition Week is celebrated from Sep 1 to Sep 7 every year to remind and aware people the importance of nutrition in our diet, how to maintain a healthy life and how to get rid of health problems. Objectives of National Nutrition Week:Some of the objectives of National Nutrition Week are as follows:

1.Promoting Healthy Eating Habits:

To maintain a healthy and balanced life , it’s necessary to adapt healthy eating habits. People are likely to have fast foods but they should understand that consuming food is not just to fill our stomach but also to provide the nutrient our body needs to repair and grow. Different eating habits are promoted according to your body type -vatha , pitha and kapha .

2.Raising awareness about nutritional deficiencies:

Many people especially rural areas are not aware about nutritional deficiencies. They just eat to fill their stomach. They don’t know the importance of several nutrients like zinc, magnesium, vitamins , calcium etc. It’s necessary to intake all these especially for children and women. This week promotes about Importance of nutrients may it be micronutrient or micronutrient.

Source:Growing life

3.Addressing malnutrition:

Malnutrition is the major problem India’s people are facing today. The lowest level problem lies in malnutrition and hunger strike . Different types of diseases in children like Kwarshirkor, Marasmus are caused due to malnutrition. It’s important to intake proper diet as they impact on physical and cognitive development.

4.Reducing the incidence of diet related disease:

This week is completely devoted to diet related issues, to make people aware of nutrition and its impact . The only hope is that people understand it and start to take their diet on regular intervals as well as in a proper way. This would most probably reduce diet related disease. Mortality rate will be decreased and natality rate will be increased. It will a great help for health.

5.Empowering communities with knowledge:

Knowledge should be there to schedule their life and eating habits. Without having proper knowledge,one cannot intake proper diet. So , communities should be awarded about eating habits and rules and regulations. This would make life easier and help people to lead their life in healthy and wealthy manner.

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