NATO: The American version of Subsidiary Alliance


North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in 1948 for shielding Europe under the Marshall Plan, from Communism and its flag bearer, Soviet Union. Both parties tore the world into battlegrounds, for example Korean Wars in 1953.

Historical Background

Europe has been dwindling with upfront and cold wars, much like the Colonies. In India, Francois Dupleix, the French governor, started political interference in the internal affairs of princely states, later exploited by Wellesley. The motive was permanent control. Seeking foreign help amounted to abrogation of the treaty called Subsidiary Alliance.


NATO demands collective defense (article 5), military bases in Europe, funding quota, so did Subsidiary alliance that assured protection in exchange for a regular payment, disbanding of local army and presence of a permanent representative of the company.

Logic behind the two

Given the state of Britain after BREXIT and France dealing with internal strife, Italy’s dipping population, migration influx, Greece and Turkey seething over Cyprus, recession, Western Europe has a sole savior, United States of America. In India, such conditions were created by Marathas, Nizam, Mysore, Awadh etc.

The result of the Subsidiary alliance was geopolitical presence of British on chokepoints. The outcome of NATO is 30 out of 50 European countries are its members. Subsidiary alliance made skirmishes and wars a regular phenomenon to sustain its own utility. NATO is no torch of peace either.

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Implications today

America and her love for gas and oil is well known , so was Company’s love for emptying Indian coffers. While Western Europe has had its economy in recession and needs to fuel spending, they also cannot cut on their contributions to the NATO. Europe needs a comeback.

With NATO being a new colonial tool, a United Europe is need of the hour. An independent Europe will be easier to tackle for India, juggling China and Russia is already a task.

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