Nature seen reflecting Gay Love Story


The world has witnessed one of the massive love stories across all over till date.Not only people, but also other creatures love utmost in their own way. All of them have different style of expressing the emotions of love to their near and dear ones. It is believed that love is one of the most unique feeling one can feel . Many love stories had written in history because of their uniqueness .

Recently, a love story came up having the most interesting character that nature could persist. A male gentoo penguin Sphen was admired because of his love to another male penguin of his colony becoming international queer icons. Both of them captured the world’s attention because of having same sex partner and became a global symbol of love and Inclusivity. A wave of mourning arose when news of Sphen’s death came and was confirmed by the aquarium staff.

The Beginning of an Iconic Love story

The two male gentoo penguin named Sphen and Magic were having endurable partnership among them which became international queer icons . The same sex love challenged the social norms and reinforced the idea that love has no boundaries. Both the Penguins were in headlines when aquarium staff saw them having a companionship with each other.Both of them met in Summer in Sydney and had a six year long relationship. Knowing about their life, Sphen was originally from Sea World and came Sydney when he was three years old. Whereas Magic was originally from Melbourne born in an aquarium. They two when met had their eyes glazed off on one another. Mostly penguins, often engage in courtship rituals like preening each other, having a race, dancing together, building nests together and presenting pebbles as a token of love to each other.

Source:NBC News

Love is in the Air

Sphen and Magic relationship became apparent when both of them seen engaged in doing such activities. Young penguins often take time to choose their mate so as Sphen and Magic. But after choosing, it was seen that their bond grew stronger and stronger. Seeing this, the aquarium staff decided to provide an opportunity to them to foster an egg. They provided them and egg to nurture. Sphen and Magic displayed excellent nurturing behaviour that is required to raise the chick. Hence the chick was named as Sphengic- a combination of their names. This was an adorable love that was seen in the same sex relationship.


A symbol of love and Inclusivity:

Sphen and Magic relationship provided an amazing lesson for today’s world about love . It gave a strong support to LGBTQ communities and spread the message that love exists in many forms and it can be anywhere with any one. Love doesn’t have any bondage and should be respected in every possible way. Having a diverse relationship, they are able to raise chick and told the world that parenting care can be done through anyone, may it be male or female. It also helped to shed light on various such relationships that are existing in the animal world and created curiosity to know about them.Sphen ‘s passing and the emotional aftermath:It’s sad to know that the world has lost such an amazing creature .

Source: 9News

Sphen’s died before his 12th birthday and is a great loss for Sea Life Sydney Aquarium and the global community that had grown to love him and Magic. Their bond was not just a relationship for the world but also love and care that the aquarium staff provided to them, the emotional connection that they were having with each other.After Sphen’s death, Magic looks like not interested in any work, mourning all day long. Such a tragic love story can be seen in nature and how loyal their partners are. Sea Life Sydney Aquarium decided to honor them through educational programs and exhibitions which will talk about them. The world will always remember them.

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