“Next Pandemic absolutely Inevitable” Warns UK’s Former Chief Scientific Advisor.


Sir Patrick Vallance, formerly the chief scientific advisor to the British government has warned recently about the inevitability of another pandemic. Speaking at a panel event ahead of the upcoming elections in the UK, he pointed out the issues his government faced while dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

He urged the present and the incoming British administration to increase their focus on rapid and effective surveillance and testing. He believes a better prepared society will ensure that it, as a whole, will not have to resort to drastic measures similar to the complete lock down we have come to be familiar with.

What does he suggest?

Repeating what he once suggested to the leaders of G7 in 2021, Sir Vallance enforced the need for speed and efficiency in the processes involved. Cooperation with those similarly aligned, which would hopefully be everyone, is something which cannot be stressed enough in regards to these issues. 

This coordination is something not easily achieved. Getting countries and industries to cooperate with each other can be a herculean task. “Rapid diagnostic tests, rapid vaccines, rapid treatments” are only a few of the things he says are necessary for effective control of rapidly spreading diseases.

Preparation, in the end, is the only measure which can be taken against pathogens in countries such as ours, where resources such as oxygen cylinders were in a dire shortage amidst the height of Covid-19 cases. 

Image Source: The Guardian

The inevitable pandemic

By 2023, Sir Vallance says, G7 had “sort of forgotten” about the things he had warned them about. Rather predictably, once pandemic measures were called off and the vaccines started rolling in, we and our leaders were ready to move past the episode.

However, we must treat preparation for infectious diseases with the same level of importance that we give physical national security threats. 

Just like how a nation must have an active army to protect its national interests, it must also prepare itself for a new pandemic as we move forward. Not forgetting our experiences of the past few years is something we must consciously do and ensure that our leaders follow, he repeated.

Moving Forward

He mentioned that the World Health Organization’s push for the Pandemic Accord as one of the right steps taken. The accord pushes for better coordination between nations in order to prepare for future pandemics.

Despite all these steps, Sir Vallance is not convinced. The issue is not being focused upon enough in G7 and G20 meets in his opinion.

To him, the nations have yet to realize that we are in the exact same position as where we started in regards to our preparation for another pandemic. Something he hopes will soon change.

Image Source: The Guardian

What can you do?

Being aware is one of the key methods of disease prevention. Wearing a mask when we are sick is one of the easiest ways of making sure others are protected against whatever disease we may carry.

A basic level of hygiene, such as washing hands immediately after entering one’s home or before eating, goes a long way in preventing infection.

Use of sanitary products such as alcohol based hand sanitizers is also a great alternative for when one cannot wash their hands before eating. Touching our mouths and eyes carelessly before disinfecting our hands must also be avoided as that too is a viable mode of disease transmission. 

In the end, no method is foolproof, and as Sir Vallance claims, cooperation is key. We will be truly and completely prepared only when everyone takes the best possible measures as a collective.

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