North Korea says pact with Putin entails full military assistance during event of war, global concerns erupt


In a move that could reshape the geopolitical landscape of Northeast Asia, North Korea and Russia have signed a comprehensive agreement covering economic, military, and technological cooperation. This landmark deal, announced during a high-profile summit in Pyongyang, underscores the strengthening ties between Pyongyang and Moscow amid escalating global tensions. The leaders of both the countries met this Wednesday, where Russian President Vladimir Putin was welcomed in a grand ceremony, where Kim Jong-Un expressed his “full support” for Russia’s war with Ukraine and promised to maintain stronger ties with Moscow. 

Details of the Latest Agreement:

According to North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the newly signed agreement of “Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” revives an obsolete mutual defense agreement from the 1960s. This includes significant provisions aimed at bolstering both nations’ economies and military capabilities. Sources indicate key areas of focus, including economic cooperation and military strategy. 

Military cooperation is a cornerstone of the agreement, vested in Article 4 which reads as: “In case any one of the two sides is put in a state of war by an armed invasion from an individual state or several states, the other side shall provide military and other assistance with all means in its possession without delay in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and the laws of the DPRK and the Russian Federation.” This includes the other deploying “all means at its disposal” as well as refraining from signing treaties with any third world country that contravenes the other party’s interests. Neither territory should be used to harm the other’s security and sovereignty.

Strengthening Military Ties

Putin commends Kim’s unwavering support towards all of Russia’s policies, including the war with Ukraine. Military technology cooperation and development are key factors that are yet not excluded in the pact, says Putin. Both Russia and North Korea will work towards “strengthening defence capabilities to prevent war and ensure regional and international peace and security”, it said, especially at a time when they face increasing isolation from the global world. Political analysts suggest that this agreement marks a strategic move by both nations to counter U.S. influence in the region. According to Cho Han-bum, of the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul, the move to lay a legal framework that ensures North Korea’s support for Russia was a big success for Moscow. 

Rising Global Concerns

The US and its Asian allies find themselves extremely concerned about the level of support Russia would provide North Korea, the only country to have tested a nuclear weapon in this century. Washington has expressed strong opposition, fearing violation of international laws by trading ballistic missiles to Russia against Ukraine as the latter claims to find North Korean missile debris inside their borders. Meanwhile, Beijing’s response has come off as silence, as no such opined comments have been made by any spokesperson. Both countries have voiced concerns over the military technology aspect of not excluding development, fearing it could escalate ongoing tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

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