Plant-Based success: Boost Nutrient Absorption by overcoming Anti-nutrients Plant-Based :


As more and more people begin to transition their diets toward plants for health, environmental, or ethical reasons, it becomes all that much more important to understand the ways to maximize nutrient absorption. A plant-based diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber but can also be replete with other compounds called anti-nutrients that may impede the absorption of essential nutrients. Of course, by knowing a little about it and making a few dietary adjustments, you can easily avoid these antinutrients and enable your body to soak up the required nutrients.

What Are Anti-nutrients?

They are a group of compounds occurring naturally in a number of plant foods that seem to have the capacity for interfering with the absorption of elements, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Common inhibitors include:

  • Phytates (Phytic Acid): Found in seeds, nuts, grains, and legumes, phytates have the ability to combine with minerals, particularly iron and zinc, lowering their absorption in the intestines.
  • Oxalates: These occur in foods such as spinach, beet greens, and rhubarb.

Oxalate is an anion that links to calcium, forming insoluble compounds the body can’t digest.

  • Lectins: Found in legumes and grains, these, on occasion, will interfere with the absorption of nutrients and give people digestive intolerance.

Tannins: Tea, coffee, and some fruits contain tannins, which are reportedly insoluble complexes with iron, reducing its absorption.

While these compounds may at times form a challenge, in moderate amounts, they are not particularly harmful and may even reveal some health benefits. The key is minimizing their effect on nutrient absorption while having variations and balancing the diet.

source:my care

Strategies to Enhance essential Absorption

Soaking and Sprouting:

Soaking in water for some hours or overnight may reduce the levels of phytates and lectins present on seeds, nuts, legumes, and grains. Further decrease of inhibitors and enhancement in bioavailability of essentials such as iron and zinc could be achieved by sprouting, which includes allowing the soaked seeds or grains to germinate. 



Tempeh, miso, sauerkraut, and sourdough bread are good examples of foods that, when fermented, can break down anti-nutrients like phytates and increase the availability of nutrients. During the process of fermentation, it also introduces beneficial probiotics that aid digestion and enhance overall absorption. Methods of cooking include

Much of these inhibitors can be destroyed by cooking. For example, boiling will bring down the levels of oxalates in spinach, thereby making more calcium easily available for absorption. In the case of beans and legumes, proper cooking will destroy lectins and allow them to be digested more safely.


Good Combinations of Food:

Some food combinations can aid in the better absorption of some essentials. For instance, one can combine sources of iron from plants such as beans, lentils, and leafy greens with foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, bell peppers, and tomatoes to enhance the absorption of this mineral. However, calcium-rich foods or supplements should not be taken together with high-oxalate foods because the amount of calcium that will be absorbed is decreased.

Limit Intake of the Following Foods:

Moderation is key. Different foods that are rich in oxalates, phytates, and tannins can indeed be very healthy, but overconsumption needs to be avoided. For instance, drinking a cup of tea or coffee after eating rather than during meals can significantly reduce the disruptive effect of tannins on the absorption of iron.

Choose Whole Foods:

The mixture of essentials can be complex; whole foods contain a complex mix of nutrients, fiber, and other useful compounds that all act synergistically to enhance absorption. As such, processed foods may be devoid of the very elements in their natural form, which could turn out to be beneficial for health, and also might have additives that interfere with essential uptake.


While being highly rewarding, a plant-based diet confers very many health advantages and is viewed as holding the key to environmental sustainability. It is, therefore, important to be aware of antinutrients and their potential negative implications on nutrient absorption so that your body gets all the nutrients it needs.

The strategy is to soak, sprout, ferment, cook, and make careful food combinations to keep the damage from antinutrients to a minimum and your body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients at maximum capacity. Share on Pinterest Embrace all the diversity that plant-based foods bring into your life, and with these hacks on your fingertips, a healthy, balanced, and nutrient-rich diet is just yours for the asking.

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