Poor Air Quality Posing A Threat To Your Mental Health


Degrading air quality is shown to trigger and debilitate psychological wellness. Exposure to pollutants including lethal gases and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) can destabilise the hormones and cause mental and emotional distress.

Based of studies conducted , extended exposure to toxic air is affiliated with stress, hormonal imbalances, clinical depression and more. The fine PM 2.5 penetrates into your bloodstream and eventually reaches the brain leading to inflammation and oxidative stress ( imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body). The ramifications of declining air quality can be way more worse than anticipated , causing cognitive decline and a triggered mental health.

An unhealthy decline in air quality causes overall discomfort aggravating underlying health conditions. Air pollution not only has a negative impact on mental health , but also the physical health. 

Researches have revealed the linkage between pollution and higher levels of stress cortisol in the blood with higher vulnerability to diseases like Alzheimer and Dementia 

A rise in Air pollution halts the ability to engage in mobile activities like a walk , cycling, gymming and more causing a sedentary lifestyle ,which later on contributes to seasonal depression and anxiety.

Children And Adolescents

People aged below 18, can be more vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution since they’re undergoing their brain development during this time. It can cause suicidal tendencies and cognitive decline. Found through neuroimaging studies , poor air quality can cause structural and functional impairments in the brain 

Being prone to polluted air during your early life can cause an increased risk to mental disorders including Bipolar Personality Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Schizophrenia , Other Personality Disorders and more

How To Mitigate Affects Of Air Pollution On Your Mental Health

Staying Indoors: Exposure to ambient air pollutants like particulate matter, toxic gases and ozone can be more intense outdoors than indoors. Avoiding outside activities can subdue the impact of air pollution 

Management of stress through yoga and meditation: Meditating can balance the hormones and calm your body, proving to be the most effective way of keeping yourself healthy and sane.

Seeking Therapy: Consulting a psychologist or a psychiatrist can be very vital to curb stress and maintain a good mental health. Seeking help is a mandate to keep your body and mind in a safe place .

Exposure to Sunlight:Sunlight is proven to reduce depression and anxiety . Exposure to sunlight increases the brain release of a hormone called serotonin . The latter is associated is with boosting the mood and keeping a person calm.

Studies And Stats

On the grounds of 100 studies conducted studying the impact of air pollution on mental health, it is concluded that ‘The regions of the brain regulating emotions involving Hippocampus, Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex face a cognitive decline and are immensely affected owing to prolonged exposure to pollutants’

A conclusion in World Economic Forum report says , People who breathe polluted air experience changes in their cognitive ability and brain functions which is why they’re more likely to develop anxiety disorders and catch depression.

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