Ukraine Updates: Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, may visit Ukraine soon


Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ukraine following a review from Kyiv over his grasp of Russian President Vladimir Putin in a recent visit.

India’s Visit to Ukraine

The visit to Poland and Ukraine signals PM Modi’s attempt to navigate India’s longstanding ties with Moscow alongside cultivating near relations with Western nations. “This is the first visit of the head of the Indian government to our country in the history of bilateral relations”,  the office said in a statement on Telegram on Monday.

India’s Ministry of External Affairs( MEA) Secretary( West) Tanmaya Lal said, “ This is also a corner and a major visit since this will be the first time an Indian PM will be visiting Ukraine in more than 30 times since we established our political relations. This visit will make upon the recent high- position relations between the leaders.” Nominating it ‘an important visit’, the MEA said that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine will form a part of exchanges, pressing that India has always supported tact and dialogue to resolve conflict. The MEA also added that India has independent ties with both Russia and Ukraine.

Future Road Trip to Ukraine ?

While India has not specified the exact dates for PM Modi’s visit, the trip comes after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned PM Modi for hugging Putin during his visit to Moscow in July, which happened just after a Russian attack on several Ukrainian metropolises caused significant casualties and damage.

Since the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, Russia has surfaced as a critical supplier of blinked crude oil painting to India. This has bolstered profitable ties, helping India save billions of bones while also abetting Russia economically despite Western warrants.

Western countries have encouraged India to part itself from Russia while seeking to strengthen their own relations with New Delhi. India is part of the Quad grouping with the United States, Japan, and Australia, which serves as a counterpoise to China’s adding influence in the Asia- Pacific region.

Credit : India Today

A Peaceful Vantage View towards Ukraine-Russia Conflict

Modi’s government has constantly called for peaceful dialogue to resolve the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, avoiding direct communication of Russia’s conduct. India and Russia partake in literal ties dating back to the Cold War, a period during which the Kremlin surfaced as a major arms supplier to India.

India has hesitated from directly condemning Russia – for what Moscow calls a special military operation – while egging the neighbors to resolve the conflict through dialogue and tact. Western eyes have assessed clearances on Moscow following its incursion of Ukraine in 2022, but friendly nations analogous as India and China have continued to trade with it.

The US has raised enterprises over India’s relationship with Russia, especially at a time when Washington has been seeking to strengthen ties with New Delhi as an implicit corrective to an ascendant China. New Delhi is seeking to consolidate its relationship with the West while keeping ties complete with old friend Russia.

Payal, who loves writing, reading, exploring and learning. Trying to be expert in research analytics and writing. A versatile wizard human being, and the one who have surrender to the randomness of life and open to new challenges.

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