Pro-talk ULFA group arrives Delhi: Accord likely to be signed on December 29


Peace talk so far:

Longing demand for a peace accord between the central government, state government and the pro-talk ULFA front is likely to be the most awaited outcome to be seen in the upcoming days. A delegation of pro-talk ULFA progenitors are heading towards New Delhi to sign the most discussed peace accord. ULFA is a nightmare word for not only Assam but also India due to their violent tactics during 2000. Their sinuous actions had threatened the survivability of people living in Assam back then now also a handful of sinister incidents disturb few places in Assam.

Anup Chetia,”We are hopeful that the Centre will announce the date of signing of the agreement in the next meeting.”

Recent activities of ULFA-I

A blast in front of an army camp in the Jorhat district of Assam occurred on December 14 and they have claimed the responsibility while negating their aim for state police forces. They have warned DGP GP Singh for devaluing their prolonged battle as merely a law and order issue.

It was a mild blast with minimal explosion yet created a ruckus in the state since State police forces are been successful in curbing ULFA-related security outbreaks. Army spokesperson Lt. Col. Mahendra Rawat briefed the press, “No one is injured in the explosion.” This was the third attack following the last series of attacks, ULFA-I since November such explosions were carried out near army base camp of neighboring districts in Tinsukia and Sivasagar too.

Organistaion’s general secreatry Anup Chetia stated that the centre is indicating to formalise the accord by the end of this year means in the last week of December. Notably, ULFA entity was splited into two different body in February 2011, one with Arabinda Rajkhowa, who pledged to leave violence and the other one with Paresh Barua, who is adamant on his key points including sovereign Assam. Paresh Baruah led ULFA front is vehemently opposing the deal and they are silently operating their activities from the dense forest border area of India-Myanmar region.

Jorhat blast hinted a strong presence of ULFA in Assam.

What’s in the deal

  • A relook into the Citizenship Act: Critical issue such as citizenship to illegal Bangladeshi immigrant needs to be re-examined carefully.
  • Adoption of land resrvation measurements: Indigenous land needs to be secured and priritised due to illegal occupation and usurption by illigal immigrants.
  • Rights of Assamese community: Land right, preservation of language-cultural ethos and economical-social rights should be assured.
  • Political resrvation: In state assembly and parliament resrvation for indigenous Assamese needs to be expanded and protected.

These are few highlighted demands from the 12 charter points and the delegation is expecting from Central government to consider their significant agendas.

Status of approval

Reportedly, draft of the accord has already been approved by all the stakeholders, but the cause of the concern is to give nod on all 12 noted points. Many new clauses are being added to the charter and yet to be reality. The pro-talk leader Anup Chetia said that they have been asked to visit interlocutor to discuss this matter.

As of now, the interested party is hopeful that the Centre will declare the date of inking the longing agreement in the next meeting. Centre has not informed yet regarding the date on which they will sign the most demanding accord.

Indo-Pacific Times

Indo-Pacific Times

Read more: Pro-talk ULFA group arrives Delhi: Accord likely to be signed on December 29

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