Putin’s Vietnam Visit: Boosting Strategic Alliances in Asia


Hanoi, Vietnam — Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Vietnam on Wednesday night after a brief visit to North Korea. This trip to a longstanding ally highlights Vietnam’s growing geopolitical influence and Russia’s effort to show it is not entirely isolated despite Western sanctions.

Analysts believe Putin’s visit to Vietnam is a strategic move to demonstrate his influence in the East, even as the West isolates him. The Kremlin confirmed that Communist-led Vietnam would host Putin for a two-day visit.

Why Vietnam?

Unlike the isolated North Korea, where Putin met with leader Kim Jong Un, Vietnam is actively sought after by major world powers. Its burgeoning economy and status as a leading garment exporter make it a crucial partner for Western countries and regional players like India. Vietnam balances strong economic ties with China while countering perceived military threats from its larger neighbor, enhancing its geopolitical importance.

Prashanth Parameswaran of the Wilson Center remarked that Putin’s visit signals Russia’s continued relevance in Asia despite its actions in Ukraine. He noted that although the visit had been planned for some time, it underscores Moscow’s commitment to its regional alliances.

What is on the Agenda?

On Thursday, Putin is set to engage in talks with Vietnamese leaders to strengthen their strategic partnership. In 2001, Russia became the first nation to enter into a strategic partnership agreement with Vietnam.

The discussions will cover various regional and global issues and are expected to result in a joint statement and several bilateral agreements, according to Russian state news agency TASS.

Image Source: Reuters

Strength of Vietnam-Russia Ties

Vietnam and Russia share a long history dating back to the Soviet era, with the Soviet Union being Hanoi’s primary weapons supplier—a role Russia continues to play. Soviet military support was crucial during Vietnam’s wars against France and the United States.

Vietnam’s Position on Ukraine

Since the Ukraine conflict began in 2022, Vietnam has maintained a neutral stance. Analysts suggest Vietnam has balanced its traditional ties with Russia while upholding principles like territorial integrity. Vietnam’s experiences with foreign invasions by the US, France, Japan, and China inform its strong stance on sovereignty.

Prashanth Parameswaran noted that Vietnam has subtly criticized Russia’s actions in Ukraine in global forums without outright condemnation. Vietnam’s historical ties with both Russia and Ukraine add complexity to its position, and it has provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine through international channels.

Despite its neutral stance, Vietnam has abstained from UN resolutions condemning Russia and avoided actions that could disrupt its longstanding relationship with Moscow. This diplomatic flexibility, often called “bamboo diplomacy,” reflects Vietnam’s foreign policy strategy.

US Response to Putin’s Visit

The United States, a key trade partner of Vietnam, has expressed disapproval of Putin’s visit. A US embassy spokesperson in Hanoi stated that no country should offer Putin a platform to normalize his aggressive actions, emphasizing the potential normalization of Russia’s violations of international law if Putin travels freely.

Putin’s trip to Vietnam is significant because he has rarely traveled outside Russia since the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of alleged war crimes in Ukraine. Since Vietnam is not a member of the ICC, it is not required to detain him.

China’s Role in the Equation

Russia’s increasing dependence on China amid the ongoing Ukraine war is significant for Vietnam, which disputes China’s claims in the South China Sea. Russian energy companies operate in contested zones, and there is concern that China could pressure Russia to withdraw, affecting Vietnam’s interests.

Ian Storey, a fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, highlighted that Vietnam worries about Beijing leveraging its influence over Moscow to undermine Vietnamese stakes in these regions.

As Putin’s visit unfolds, the world watches closely, understanding the intricate balance Vietnam maintains in its diplomatic engagements with global powers.

I'm a student of Journalism, Mass Communication and Political Science. I thrive on stories, whether through books, movies, or the world around me.

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