Qatar: Triumph of Diplomacy,7 Indian Navy Veterans Return Home After Ordeal


In a remarkable turn of events, eight Indian Navy veterans, who faced imprisonment in Qatar on alleged spying charges, have been released, with seven of them having already returned to India after an agonizing 18-month ordeal. The release, attributed to sustained diplomatic efforts and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s personal intervention, stands as a testament to the delicate nature of international relations and the crucial role leaders play in securing the freedom of their citizens abroad.

The Ordeal

The eight Navy veterans, including Captain Navtej Singh Gill, Captain Saurabh Vasisht, Commander Purnendu Tiwari, Captain Birendra Kumar Verma, Commander Sugunakar Pakala, Commander Sanjeev Gupta, Commander Amit Nagpal, and Sailor Ragesh, found themselves entangled in legal troubles while working for the Dahra Global company in Qatar. Their mission involved assisting in the introduction of Italian U212 stealth submarines into the Qatari Emiri Naval Force.

The situation took a grave turn when a Qatari court sentenced them to death on October 26, 2023, under charges of espionage. The verdict, met with deep shock by the Indian government, prompted the exploration of all legal options. Fortunately, the capital punishment was commuted in December, a few weeks after Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with Qatar’s Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani during the COP28 summit in Dubai.

Qatar: Diplomatic Triumph

Indian Navy veterans’ return to India with commuted sentences, thanks to New Delhi’s diplomatic efforts (Source:Mint).

The release of the Navy veterans was officially acknowledged and welcomed by the Indian government, expressing gratitude for the decision by the Amir of Qatar to enable their release. The veterans, unaware of their imminent freedom, were swiftly taken away by embassy officials and boarded an IndiGo flight to return home, marking the end of their tumultuous journey.

Expressing Gratitude

Upon their safe return to India, the Navy veterans were effusive in expressing their gratitude towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the government for securing their release. Their freedom, they emphasized, was a direct result of the sustained diplomatic efforts and personal intervention of PM Modi, highlighting the significance of such high-level engagement in international affairs.

Chants of Victory

At the Delhi airport, the seven former Navy officers, visibly relieved to be back on Indian soil, raised chants of “Bharat Mata ki Jai,” echoing their triumphant return and the overwhelming sense of national pride. The emotional homecoming reflected not only their relief but also their acknowledgment of the instrumental role played by PM Modi in their release.

Quotes from Veterans

Qatar releases eight Indian Navy veterans accused of spying for Israel (Source: Mint).

“I feel relieved and delighted to finally be back home safe and sound. I wish to thank Prime Minister Modi as this wouldn’t have been possible had it not been for his personal intervention to secure our release,” expressed one of the veterans. Another emphasized, “Without the intervention of PM Modi, we would not have walked free,” underscoring the critical role played by the Indian Prime Minister in ensuring their freedom.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) detailed the release, highlighting that the Court of Appeal in Qatar commuted the death sentences to varying prison terms, ranging from three to 25 years. Al Dahra Global Technologies, the private firm employing the veterans, provided training and services to Qatar’s armed forces and security agencies.

Recognition of Personal Involvement

The veterans not only acknowledged the personal involvement of PM Modi but also extended their gratitude to the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. They emphasized the significance of the personal equations between the two leaders, which played a crucial role in securing their release.


The release of the Indian Navy veterans from Qatar marks the end of a harrowing chapter, shedding light on the importance of diplomatic relations and the proactive role leaders play in resolving international crises. As the veterans reunite with their families after an excruciating 18 months, their gratitude towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Indian government stands as a poignant reminder of the power of diplomacy and unwavering efforts in safeguarding the interests of citizens abroad. The successful resolution of this challenging situation underscores the resilience of diplomatic ties and the impact of high-level interventions in ensuring justice and freedom for individuals caught in the complex web of international legalities.

Hi there,I am Bhawanjot.Passion for politics and sports.

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