R. G. Kar Medical College in Chaos: Students March and Call for Protection


Students Demand Safer Environment After Recent Violence

One of the most shocking instances of violence against women at a medical college concerns R. G. Kar Medical College in Kolkata, one of the oldest and most reputable medical institutions, in which students managed to organize a massive protest against inadequate safety and protection on the college territory. It has occurred against the backdrop of a series of violent incidents that have over time made the students volatile and full of wrath.

Background of the Unrest

The problem started at the beginning of this month when a post-crisis event involved a group of outsiders who were attacking students; the fight led to some students being cut on their faces and other property such as chairs and desks being broken. It has been the events following the other events that have raised concerns and put the seemingly academic excellence of the college to the test.

Students have begun to complain and have called for the college administration and regional authorities to address the problem. The protest was led by the student union and people attended the protest in large numbers, the students marched through the college and local roads carrying banners and demanding safety.

The Protest

The march which began in the morning, gained more strength because many batches in the school joined the protest. Some of their slogans included ‘Safety First’, ‘Protect Us Now’, and ‘Enough is Enough.’ There was palpable anger and some determination in the manner students were demonstrating.

During the protest, students highlighted several key issues that they believe need urgent attention:

  1. Increased Security Measures: This is an appeal to make better security cameras, more lights on campus and security personnel to control visitors and reduce any violent events.
  2. Improved Campus Facilities: The recent events have motivated the society to design and improve the facilities and maintenance, for instance, entry and exit points.
  3. Counselling and Support Services: The impacts of the violence have also been felt emotionally and this has raised issues of improvement of counselling services, especially to affected students.

Reactions from Students

One of the leading voices in the protest, Priya Sinha, a final-year medical student, expressed her concerns: “We are here so we can guarantee that our campuses are safe places to learn and live In recent years we have been scared and traumatized We should be able to learn without being afraid for our lives.

Another student Arjun Roy stated, “It is not only the security hazards going for it but the round welfare of all students, emotional and psychological, is a concern and we want to be sure that the administration is taking our complaints seriously.”

Administrative Response

The college administration has not ignored the sentiments of the students and has assured them of working on the issues. Principal Dr. S. K. Chatterjee said to the media that, necessary measures are being taken in this regard to increase security alertness of the campus. As we know such a situation is possible, and the school administration is working to introduce serious measures aimed at the subject’s safety of students: “We are working with the police to tighten security and avoid such a situation in the future.

However, such actions do not go down well with some students, who feel let down by the administration claiming that much has been done only to produce efforts that are not so aggressive.

Local Authorities Get Involved

Local police have also joined the crisis. Police Commissioner Ravi Kumar said the police had forged a strong partnership with the college management to assess the current strategies regarding security and improve them; ‘The police and the management of this college take these atrocities seriously and we are currently in the process of developing new strategies to protect the students and the faculty.’

Impact on the college community

The political disturbance has particularly affected the college as a community. Students have complained of insecurity on campus since classes have had to be called off intermittently. The college was previously an academic-focused institution known for its excellent academic success records and a conducive environment by which students could be educated and nurtured.

Some faculty members have also raised their concerns and called for the situation to be solved so that students can chase away all these wicked evils that want to hinder them from getting back to their classes.

Looking Forward

As the situation unfolds, the key question remains: Will the measures that the college administration and local authorities intend to carry out be enough to meet the expectations of the students? The days to come will be decisive if the college is to recover the trust of the students and get back to a college where students feel safe and secure.

The students of R. G. Kar Medical College does not have any intention of halting there. As such they will continue to protest for their right to study in a safe conduct environment. The march, and their demands, can be seen as a sign of safety being demanded by and for women within an institution, but also in educational institutions throughout the country.




Link for the post: https://test.inpactimes.com/r-g-kar-medical-college-in-protest-chaos/

Similar Posts: https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/r-g-kar-hospital-incident-underline-needs-for-legal-protection-for-safety-of-healthcare-workers-9520441/

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