Rajasthan Man Pours Acid on Daughter-in-Law Over Domestic Disagreement: Case Filed



In a shocking incident that has sparked outrage across Rajasthan, a man has been accused of pouring acid on his daughter-in-law following a domestic dispute. The attack has left the victim with severe injuries and has highlighted the ongoing issue of domestic violence in the region.

Incident Details

On the evening of July 2, 2024, a heated argument erupted between 28-year-old Meena Devi and her father-in-law, Ramesh Singh, 55, in their home in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The dispute reportedly stemmed from ongoing familial tensions and disagreements over household matters. In a fit of rage, Ramesh Singh allegedly threw acid on Meena, causing severe burns to her face, neck, and arms.

Immediate Response and Medical Aid

Neighbors, alerted by Meena’s screams, rushed to the scene and found her in excruciating pain. They quickly called for medical assistance and the police. Meena was immediately taken to a nearby hospital, where she received emergency treatment for her injuries. Doctors have stated that while she is in stable condition, she will require extensive medical care and surgeries to recover from the burns.

Police Investigation

The police arrived promptly at the scene and arrested Ramesh Singh. A case has been filed against him under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including those pertaining to assault and the use of acid as a weapon. The police are also investigating the circumstances leading up to the attack and have taken statements from family members and neighbors.

Family Background and Previous Disputes

According to family members, the relationship between Meena and her father-in-law had been strained for several years. Meena had reportedly faced harassment and abuse from Ramesh Singh on multiple occasions. Relatives and neighbors have confirmed that there were frequent arguments in the household, often escalating into verbal and physical confrontations.

India has stringent laws against acid attacks, including severe penalties for perpetrators. However, the enforcement of these laws remains inconsistent, and many victims struggle to receive justice.

Support and Rehabilitation for the Victim

Local NGOs and women’s rights organizations have stepped forward to offer support to Meena Devi. These organizations are providing medical, legal, and psychological assistance to help her through this traumatic period. Fundraising efforts are also underway to cover the costs of her medical treatment and rehabilitation.

Government and Public Reaction

The Rajasthan state government has condemned the attack and pledged to take stringent action against the accused. Officials have also promised to review and strengthen measures to prevent domestic violence and support victims.

The incident has sparked widespread outrage on social media, with many calling for harsher penalties for acid attacks and better protection for women.


As Meena Devi begins her long journey towards recovery, the focus remains on ensuring justice is served and taking steps to prevent such incidents in the future. This tragic event serves as a grim reminder of the urgent need to address domestic violence and support its victims.

The attack on Meena has highlighted the severity of domestic violence and the need for stronger enforcement of existing laws to protect vulnerable individuals. Community members, activists, and government officials are rallying to provide her with the necessary medical, legal, and emotional support to help her rebuild her life.

The outpouring of support for Meena from local NGOs and women’s rights organizations underscores the collective effort required to combat such heinous crimes. Fundraising efforts and public awareness campaigns aim to not only assist Meena but also to prevent similar incidents in the future by educating the public about the dire consequences of domestic violence and acid attacks.

Government promises to strengthen measures against domestic violence and ensure swift justice are a step in the right direction, but the implementation and consistent enforcement of these measures are crucial. Public outrage and social media campaigns can help keep the pressure on authorities to act decisively.

The community stands in solidarity with Meena, hoping that her story will inspire change and bring about a safer, more just society for all. By addressing the root causes of domestic violence and ensuring robust support systems for victims, we can work towards a future where no one has to endure such brutality.

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