Adopt, Don’t Shop: 8 Reasons To Adopt Pets


Thinking of getting a new furry friend? Have you considered adopting? Adoption is a wonderful gesture that is beneficial in numerous ways. The common sources of adoption include shelters and rescue centers. We can even adopt stray animals after having them treated. The rest can be fixed with love and care!

Bursting The Myth Bubble

Most people hesitate to adopt pets because of the myths associated with these animals being unhealthy, dangerous, or having behavioral issues. Some people believe that they aren’t aesthetic enough; some are just not willing to adopt mixed breeds or street pets. But by emphasizing on buying “designer” pets, we ruin the essence of getting a pet which is unconditional love and companionship.

How do Pets End Up For Adoption?

It is important to understand that animals who end up in adoption centers are not the ones at fault. They may be abandoned by their owners for several reasons including financial problems, moving to places where pets aren’t allowed, illness or death of the owner, birth of a child, or personal problems such as separation. Sometimes when pets grow old, their owners no longer find them as enjoyable.

Preventing Animal Cruelty

Adoption helps to eradicate breeding mills. Flea markets, online dealers, breeders, and pet stores acquire pets from breeding mills. A breeding mill is a barbaric and merciless establishment where animals are forced to give birth over and over again, only to have their offspring taken away from them to be peddled. These animals include cats, dogs, birds, and even smaller ones like hamsters, etc. They are kept in uncomfortable and unsanitary cages without veterinary maintenance or any human contact. As a result, they are unsocialized, sick, and suffer from other mental and health issues. It is a cruel and dark industry that needs to end. Why would we possibly want to support these malpractices?

Adoption is Easy on Your Wallet

It doesn’t make a dent in your bank account, whereas buying pets is a costly affair. Moreover, there is the added expense of medical services like vaccination, deworming, and microchipping. It is also extremely necessary to have your pets spayed and neutered so that they don’t prompt overpopulation. The good news is that adoption centers usually include these veterinary services within the adoption fee, which is incredibly less compared to that done at a vet. 

A Greater Step Towards Greater Good

Adoption saves more than just one life. Shelters and rescue centers have limited spaces, so they cannot take in new animals until they are adopted. Adopting a pet makes room for other animals at these facilities. Moreover, your adoption fee goes towards the welfare of these neglected animals. Bringing home a new companion while helping other animals in need? Seems like a win-win situation to me!

Diversity to Choose From

Shelters and rescue centers offer a huge variety of pets to choose from including cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs etc. You can find the right companion for your lifestyle. Moreover, staff at these facilities can provide information about your pet’s behavior and personality traits beforehand.

Your Pets Will Shower You With Unconditional Love

Animals are very sensitive. They understand when they are being given a second chance. These transcendent beings will forever be grateful to you for rescuing them from the harsh life they would otherwise have been subjected to. And what can be greater than receiving their unwavering loyalty and selfless love? The bond between an adopted pet and its owner is unparalleled.

The bottom line is that while you go shopping for a pet, countless animals suffer in miserable conditions. Your choices can change a homeless animal’s whole life! Adopt pets, don’t buy them!

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Preety Dhunna is a dynamic content writer with a background in English literature and an unwavering passion for storytelling. She combines thoughtful analysis with engaging narratives to make nuanced topics accessible and interesting. With meticulous research and editing, Preety ensures her work is both informative and compelling. When not immersed in writing or lost in a book, she enjoys creative pursuits like embroidery.

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