Resilience is accepting your new reality , Even if it is less good than the one you had before



Resilience is something that we need the most to withstand any kind of hard situation and recover back to the normal state of Peacefulness . We, the today’s generation lack this great power which is being the main reason for Stress ,Depression and finally suicidal attempts .

source : Rotary International

THE ACTUAL PROBLEM with developing Resilience

Most of the people nowadays are often seen as Stressed which holds a silly reason . It doesn’t mean that they do it purposely , actually they don’t possess the capacity to handle the situation . People get annoyed when things don’t work as they desire and so never try to adjust and modify the situation as wanted . Here comes the need of Resilience in the mind of people to tackle the problem and move on by accepting the reality . 

The expectations about things , people , situations etc is the main constraint hindering in developing Resilience where one’s self esteem gets down , fear of failure and disappointment increases . It’s not possible for people to stop expecting ,but it’s possible to reduce it by practicing mindfulness and by being realistic . 

There is saying from the book “ The Road Less Traveled “ by a Popular Writer M Scott Perk 

Life is very difficult – One of the greatest Truths. We need to understand and accept this truth . Once we understand the fact that life is difficult , then life is no longer Difficult .

This quote really helped me a lot to Cope up with the current hard situations and handle it well.

REJUVENATION leading to Resilience

The art of getting back to one’s Stress free life by indulging in some Refreshing activities like exercises ,Meditation , Walking , Journaling etc. is called Rejuvenation . Consistency is more important than the quality of efforts we make . Here are some revitalisation techniques that one can follow to live a life with Serenity 

Resilience and Rejuvenation both are related to personal growth (source: Forbes)
  • Connection with Nature

There is no other better medication one can have than attaching with nature . Inhaling the smoothing fresh air and feeling the nourishment it gives to the body , the way hair flows with wind heals our heart in a better way 

  • Meditation

Sitting like Buddha for hours ignoring all kinds of emotions aside is not only the meditation that one can do . The time that we spend for ourselves is a kind of Meditation . There is something called Micro Mediation where one needs to spend just 20 seconds closing eyes and watching the thoughts just as it flows while focusing on breathing . One can even apt to meditation applications like Balance to get better guidance about proper meditation

  • Physical Exercise 

 A healthy and fit body is first essential to develop resilience . Mental health automatically  becomes alright by taking care of Physical Health . Doing Yoga and Exercises in a consistent manner have a efficient impact on our health

  • Developing quality Hobbies 

Quality hobbies like reading books , drawing , Cooking , Gardening holds a significant impact on Our Rejuvenation . The regret about the past can be lightened .One of the best working techniques 

  • Approaching Psychologists 

It’s only for the mentally retarded person to approach Psychologists . Not all are blessed with someone to listen to what our heart says . The Psychologists are holding a specialized professional skill in listening hence heading to them gives a significant result 


The happiest moment in life is NOW . Whatever happens, always try to focus on the positive nooks of it . Optimism is the only thing we can develop to alter negative consequences . The best habit one can develop is EXPECT less and ACCEPT More . It’s good to travel with the flow by surpassing all its waves.

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