Rising Anxiety in Teens and Adults: 7 Causes and Simple Fixes


In today’s fast paced world, anxiety has crept into the lives of many -teens struggling with academic pressure, adults battling workplace stress, and even people scrolling through social media feeling left behind. For instance, a 16-year old overwhelmed by schoolwork, or a 30-something professional buried under job expectations.

Also, we have recently heard about the news about the tragic incident involving an EY employee in India. The employee reportedly passed away due to extreme work pressure and stress. This unfortunate event has highlighted a significant issue with workplace mental health, particularly high stress environments.

These stories aren’t unique. Anxiety is no longer a rare condition, it’s an everyday struggle for millions, often rooted in the modern lifestyle we lead. But what’s causing this surge? And more importantly, what can we do about it?

Here are seven common reasons why anxiety is on the rise and some effective strategies to combat it.

1. Constant Exposure to Social Media

Social Media platforms, while entertaining and informative, often lead to an overwhelming sense of comparison. Teens and adults are bombarded with images of seemingly perfect lives, which can fuel insecurity and anxiety. The constant need to stay relevant, popular, or ‘liked’ has caused a surge in social media-related anxiety.

Cure: Limit social media usage and incorporate digital detoxes into your routine. Consider allocating specific times of the day for social media or using apps that help manage screen time. 

2. Academic and Career Pressures

The pressure to excel academically or in the workplace has intensified over recent years. Teens face the stress of high expectations in school, while adults feel the pressure to thrive in competitive job markets. The relentless drive for success can lead to burnout and anxiety.

Cure: Time management techniques, mindfulness practices, and setting realistic goals can help balance workloads and reduce stress.

3. Lack of Physical Activity

    A sedentary lifestyle is another contributor to rising anxiety. With more time spent in front of screens and less time dedicated to physical movement, both mental and physical well-being can suffer.

    Cure: Regular exercise releases endorphins, which act as natural stress relievers. Incorporating activities like walking, yoga, or gym workouts into daily life can significantly reduce anxiety.

    4. Financial Strain

      Economic uncertainty, rising living costs, and debt are major sources of anxiety for many adults. The fear of financial instability can lead to sleepless nights and chronic stress.

      Cure: Budgeting, financial planning, and seeking professional advice can ease financial anxiety. Learning to live within one’s means and developing a savings plan may also offer peace of mind.

      5. Overload of Information

        We live in an era where information is constantly flowing from various sources, and this excess can be overwhelming. The endless news cycle often focuses on negative events, which can heighten fear and anxiety.

        Cure: Limit exposure to news and information that fuels anxiety. Focus on reputable sources and practice mindfulness to maintain balance.

        6. Poor Sleep Habits

          Lack of sleep is a significant cause of anxiety. Teens and adults who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to feel stressed and anxious. The vicious cycle of anxiety disrupting sleep and poor sleep exacerbating anxiety is common. 

          Cure: Create a consistent sleep schedule and reduce caffeine and screen time before bed. Incorporate calming activities like reading or meditation can improve sleep quality.

          7. Isolation and Loneliness

            Isolation, particularly post-pandemic, has become a key driver of anxiety. Human connection is essential for mental well-being, and the lack of it can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and despair. 

            Cure: Volunteering, joining groups, or simply spending time with friends and family can provide a sense of belonging. 

            Passionate writer with a knack for transforming complex topics into engaging stories, dedicated to delivering fresh and insightful content for INPAC Times

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