September 2023 recorded as the hottest year by scientists


September 2023 is the hottest year on record, breaking the record of previous years by a huge margin.

September was 0.93 C warmer than the average temperature of previous September of 1990-2020 and it was 0.5 degree hotter than the previous record set in 2020.

Reason behind it

Scientists and Experts believe that the Greenhouse gases and the El Nino event may be responsible for the rise of temperature to such an extent.

Concerns behind September 2023 temperature rise

It is scary as the scientists believe that we have crossed the set average temperature of 1.5 C which was agreed at Paris Climate change summit not to be crossed. Yet the temperature this month has risen above 1.75 degrees.

Some scientists are shocked by the scale of the increase in temperature and some believe that 2023 is the warmest year on record for sure. 

The Copernicus climate change Service data shows that the temperature has had the biggest jump since the 1940s. This data has baffled the scientists and after studying it they are shocked at the sharp increase in temperature to such an extent.

Climate change is a serious issue which must be addressed properly as it is increasing day by day. Even the agreements and Climate summits have not been enough without proper actions. 

Paris Climate change summit

The Paris Climate change summit was important as for the first time during this summit all the nations decided to fight against greenhouse gases and to cut their emissions.

The treaty was adopted by 194 parties (193 countries plus EU) 

in Paris on 12 December 2015.

Treaty came into force on 4 November 2016.

What were the agreements?

  • To limit global temperature rise to 1.5 C and to keep it below 2.0 C 
  • Each country has to set its own carbon emission targets and to review it every 5 years
  • Richer countries have to help poorer nations by providing them financial help known as Climate finance.

COP 27 summit held at Egypt reviewed these targets and whether they were achieved or not by these countries.

Parties were asked to set carbon reduction targets to achieve goals of the Paris Climate change summit. But only 25 parties out of 194 complied. 

As the issue of climate change continues to grow we are going to witness more such events.

Aisha Algazal is a Gold Medalist in Environmental Science. She is a writer who writes on topics of Science, Climate change ,Global warming ,Entertainment etc. Currently pursuing Journalism internship at

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