Shifting Sands: The Indian diaspora and 2024 elections


With around 4 million population, Indian diaspora is a major stakeholder in the United States of America. The Asian American Voter survey revealed a 19 percent drop in the number of Indian Americans supporting US President and Democrat Joe Biden this year, as compared to the last election of 2020.

While Trump has a huge supporter base in North Dakota, Oklahoma, Idaho, Indian immigrants prefer the states of Miami, California, New York. These states form a huge vote share of Biden, the incumbent president.

‘Howdy Modi’ in Houston

“You (India) have never had a better friend as President as President Donald Trump,” cheered Trump, at Houston’s Howdy Modi event.

Source: The Economic Times

However, statistics display a different picture. Trump can now be seen professing an automatic green card for Indians, marking a total 180 shift from 2019, when he tried ending the H1B visas. Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again’ reeks of nationalism and protectionism and can hurt business prospects of the Indian-Americans.

Prejudice of Race

“Go back to India.” “I hate you Indians,” shouted the woman at other Indian-origin women out for dinner”.

 In 1980, a group called ‘Dot-busters’, a racist remark on Hindu tradition of bindi/tilak, was rampant and led to brutal killing of an Indian bank executive. Not long ago, a police vehicle hit and ran over an Indian, Jahnvi.

 Sameer Kamath, a 23 year old, was a student at Purdue University. His lifeless body was found at a reserve in Indiana. Mohammad Arfath, Dinesh Gattu, Sai Rakoti, Harnesh Patel, are a few among many other victims.

The anti-Hindu and anti-Indian sentiment is not new. Earlier, either it was ignored or put in a generic category.

Biden fares no better

Source: Foreign Policy

A record appointment of 130 Indians on key administrative posts by Biden, caps on EB-2, EB-3 visas, the ‘Buy American’ policy, and a long wait for permanent residency, create confusion for American Indians. Slow administration: the administration’s failure on Palestine and Ukraine is another factor among the population.

Biden withdrew his nomination in favor of Kamala Harris who is of a partial Indian origin. The result will tell if the ‘Indianess’ helps.

Eminence of Indian diaspora in 2024 elections

Vivek Ramaswamy has taken back his candidacy and supports Trump, so does JD Vance, husband of Usha Vance. The elections this year are not motivated by race and nationality. Important issues like healthcare, citizenship, gun violence and economy will play the deciding factor. A report by Ipsos revealed that 46% of the respondents trusted Trump over Biden, on economy front. Indians have one of the highest median household incomes in the USA. They play an important role in lobbying.

Source: CNBC

However, the 2024 elections will see neck to neck fight with Indians voting for America rather India-USA.

The Indian diaspora is attaining an important role in the country politics. Voting on issues of prominence is sign of a participatory and vibrant democracy. Elections will be conducted in November and see the Republican candidate, Trump, competing against the Democrat, Kamala. Economy, healthcare, inflation and foreign policy will the deciding factors in this run of 2024.

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