3 Signs you have SLEEP APNEA – A breathing disorder – by Sourabh Mandal.


Sleep Apnea is s serious breathing disorder that interrupts the flow of air going to the lungs while sleeping for short period of time (Seconds).

Sleep apnea is common but ignored condition. This is more common in adults than children. Past records shows gradual increase of this condition in children too. Breathing is the basic function of the body for survival, interruption in breathing promotes the rise of cardiovascular diseases. People suffering from this sleep disorder are more vulnerable to develop chronic illness.

Sleep Apnea increases the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Your health is determined by the quality of sleep at night. Have you ever wake up at the middle of the night panting or breathing heavily?

Sleep apnea interrupts the flow of oxygen. As the level of carbon dioxide increases in body, it sends signals to the brain to wake up. In serious cases the person wakes up with “Sudden jerk”.

Lack of oxygen slowly degenerates the brain neurons that diminish the quality of life. Cognitive functions like attention, memory and decision making skill reduces making the person feel fatigue, tired and restless whole day

Sleep apnea causes high blood pressure (Hyper tension), Type 2 Diabetes , coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and heart failure if left untreated.


  • Snoring (Loud)
  • Low energy level throughout the day
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Diminish in concentration and attention spam
  • Waking up with severe headache
  • Night sweats
  • Diminishing memory
  • Emotional imbalance
  • Awaking up with dry throat and mouth
  • Shortness of breath

Types of Sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea.

This condition occurs when throat muscle gets overly relaxed causing disruption in airflow. This condition is commonly found in adults suffering from obesity.

Central sleep apnea.

This condition is less common form of sleep apnea, but equally concerning. In this condition, the muscle (throat) does not get proper signal from brain that controls the breathing.

In both conditions, starting treatment in early stage is always recommended. Ignoring these signs and symptoms could lead to even more fatal cardiovascular disease.

When to see a doctor?

It is always unsafe to declare that one have sleep apnea without constituting a medical professional . Listed down the 3 prominent signs

  1. Snoring (loud enough)
  2. Frequent pauses in breath that awakens oneself
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Excessive headache after waking up
  5. Daytime sleepiness and drowsiness

No amount of sleep can fix this sleeping disorder as it is caused by physical anatomy of your respiratory system. The nasal passage and throat muscles are responsible for this condition.

Risk Factors

  1. Excess weight – Sleep apnea is more common in fat/obese people.
  2. Narrowed airway – Conditions like asthma contracts the airway which does not allow proper airflow to the lungs.
  3. Family history.
  4. Smoking – if you smoke, QUIT ASAP ! . Smoking causes inflammation in upper body. Smokers are 4 times more likely to have sleep apnea. The risk gradually decreases after one quits smoking.
  5. Using sedatives or tranquilizers – Using certain kind of medications relaxes the nasal passage along with the throat muscles.
  6. People suffering from atrial fibrillation are most vulnerable to develop sleep apnea.

Treatment Methods

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

CPAP is the most effective way to reduce snoring and sleep apnea. In this method a mask is placed over the nose which delivers air pressure that keeps the nasal and airways open and maintains the airflow throughout the night.

Expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP)

This method is recently approved by Food And Drug Administration. Vert easy to use, the device acts like a valve that fits to the nostril. When you inhale, the valve allows free/smooth airflow and when you exhale, the air comes out from small holes in valve. This maintains the pressure in airway and keeps it open

Yoga and breathing exercises

Yoga can significantly lose weight that will help in eliminating sleep apnea. Yoga accompanied with proper breathing techniques can bring effective results in less time.

Breathing techniques like Pranayama, alternative nostril breathing

This article is for educational purpose. If you spot these sings and symptoms, it is always best to seek medical attention.

Myself Sourabh Mandal, a young enthusiast journalist who aims to inform, educate and entertain my audience with the news all around. A excellent Photojournalist and writer . I thrive on capturing compelling stories through the lens and pen. My work aims to not only inform and engage but also to evoke emotion and inspire change.

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