Spotify India and Amplified Intelligence to join hands to measure consumer attention.


Spotify India and Amplified intelligence which focus on accurate attention measurement have shared their research finding that determines the attention marks of audiences and norms across the audio streaming platforms and other similar platforms whose brands are mostly into targeted advertising of consumers. This time also aims to understand and highlight the impact of the relationship between mood and attention across all advertising platforms.

Spotify increases brand uplift by 50%. Spotify creates an attractive environment for their advertisers ranging from audio and video advertising formats with the help of their STAS, (short-term advertising strength).

It has been proved by various reports that company social Media leverage along with a campaign on Spotify increases the attention score by 28 points as compared to solely focusing on social media marketing.
Amplified intelligence quantified the social media impact of Spotify campaigning, through capturing contextual location and mood preference and defining how these factors were influenced.

How Spotify has carried out the research?

The research findings prove how Spotify’s advertising branding strategy can offer various branches the official way due to capturing active customer attention in India. The report has supplemented the understanding of the consumer mindset on advertising in one of the largest consumer markets by providing various insights.

Spotify measured the attention of a group of users via the attention trace tool provided by Amplified Intelligence, for one month using data from more than 2500 people across India capturing more than 7900 ad views. Video attention was captured using facial recognition software after receiving concerns from the samples of users taken up for research purposes.

The head of sales at Spotify India remarked that following the traditional approach of advertising, most of the advertisers focus on adjusting the brand matrices to get more customer attention. In contrast to this thought, the new Research report has identified that creative advertisement with greater attention showcased in a short period is proven to be more effective.

The Founder of Amplified Intelligence added that the major issue faced by most of the brand advertisers today is to capture the attention of their customers through effective brand storytelling and relevant story metrics.
This becomes even more challenging when the attention span is decreased over time and the time permit for various brands has been cut short.

In a nutshell, to gather everything that has been discussed, the major issue faced by brands while advertising is to capture the attention of the customer within a very short period when customers are having deviated attention by most of the customers. Taking into consideration the word from the report, advertisers need to customize their ads with creative storytelling within a short period to be able to connect with their customers.

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