6 Ways to Reduce the Impact of Screen Time on Eye Health


It has become nearly hard to escape screens in the current digital era. For business, communication, and enjoyment, we depend on digital gadgets, ranging from laptops and desktop computers to smartphones and tablets. Digital eye strain, however, is a worrying side effect of this increased screen time. Numerous painful symptoms may be brought on by this illness, which is often referred to as computer vision syndrome. Fortunately, there is a way to control and even avoid eye strain, which will make using digital devices more pleasant and healthy. 

Image Source: Eyes Medical Centre of Fresno

Effects of Screen Time on Sleep and Circadian Rhythm

Screen blue light, especially late at night, might interfere with your circadian rhythm and cause sleep disturbances. Inadequate sleep might be a factor in daytime eye strain and pain. Digital gadget use frequently results in less frequent blinking. Maintaining a healthy tear film that keeps your eyes pleasant and moist requires blinking. Decreased blinking may lead to dry eyes, which exacerbates the discomfort of screen-related tasks.

Image Source: Willis Hospital

Following these 6 tips will help to reduce effects from screen time

Reduce  Electronics Usage Before Bed: Before going to bed, limit your electronics. The blue light from phones and other devices may have an impact on the body’s normal wake and sleep cycles, according to research. During the day, blue light awakens and motivates us. It keeps doing this at night, which makes it harder to get to sleep. Cut down on screen time one or two hours before going to bed. Utilize computers and gadgets with nighttime settings to reduce exposure to blue light.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule: The 20-20-20 Rule states that you should sit in a comfortable, well-supported chair and position your desktop computer at eye level and approximately an arm’s length away. Extended usage of screens without breaks is one of the main causes of digital eye strain. The 20-20-20 rule, which suggests taking a 20-second break and looking at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes when using a screen, is quite helpful in reducing this strain. By incorporating this easy practice into your daily routine, you may keep your eyes fresh and less tired. To make sure your eyes get the rest they require, you may also use apps or timers to remind you to take these frequent pauses.

Blinking and Artificial Tears: As previously said, the main reason gazing at a computer screen is so bad for your eyes is that it causes you to blink less frequently. Keep artificial tears on hand and use them as needed to fight dry eyes. Additional elements that can contribute to dryness include heaters in the winter and humidity-controlled workplaces that extract moisture from the air. A desktop humidifier can help relieve dry eyes and add moisture to your surroundings.

Brightness Adjustment: The brightness of your screens has a big impact on how comfortable they are for your eyes. Make sure your device’s brightness is adjusted to correspond with the lighting in your surroundings to avoid causing eye strain. Additionally, as blue light has been connected to erratic sleep cycles, you might wish to utilize night or dark mode in the evenings to limit your exposure to it.

Upgrading to high resolution screens and anti glare technology: Invest in high-resolution screens with anti-glare technology to minimize eye strain. Screens that already exist can have anti-glare filters added to them to reduce glare and reflections. Additionally, routine eye exams are necessary to quickly address any underlying vision issues.

Use lubricating eye drops: To keep the eyes moist and comfortable when using screens, it is advised to apply lubricating eye drops in situations of chronic dry eyes or pain.

Image Source: John Hopkins Hospital

In today’s world when screens are everywhere, digital eye strain is a prevalent problem. It affects everyone who spends a lot of time in front of a screen, including professionals and students. However, you may greatly lessen its influence on your day-to-day activities by taking the appropriate safety measures and making the necessary changes. To live a better, healthier, and more connected life in the digital era, keep in mind that it’s essential to prioritize your eye health and take precautions against digital eye strain. 

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